Summer Coming to an End
August 24, 2019
by Anijah
The time has come for me to say goodbye to a great summer. During my time here at the USC Chan Division, I have learned a lot, met new people, and grown as a person. These last few days have been bittersweet. I have spent these past three months getting to know the amazing faculty and staff who make sure that each program runs smoothly. You can only understand so much about how the programs run when you attend a tour or information session but, working from behind the scenes has allowed me to appreciate the effort USC Chan puts into making sure students enjoy their time while becoming an occupational therapist.
The first time I met an ambassador, I never thought I would have the opportunity to be one. I remember attending an information session and being amazed by the structure of the program while I was a sophomore. Then, on the first day of any occupational science minor classes, one of the first people you will meet is a student ambassador from the Master’s Program. These students describe what occupational therapy is to students who may be taking their very first minor class. At the same time, they are refreshing students’ minds about occupational therapy to returning students. This summer, being an ambassador has allowed me not only to understand the structure of the program better. I have also learned the necessary steps required to take to run events such as the information sessions.
I am sad to be leaving this position, as there are a variety of experiences and memories that I truly enjoyed while working as an ambassador this summer, but I anticipate the future. During this last year of my undergraduate career, I look forward to helping students better understand what occupational therapy is through the Pre-OT Club. I will be applying to a variety of Occupational Therapy Master’s programs, with my eyes on a certain school! I hope my time here has helped many students who are currently applying or trying to get a better idea about what this great health profession is. For now, farewell and Fight On!
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