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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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National OT Conference in Baltimore!


April 7, 2014

Getting Involved

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There is an annual conference that the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) of California organizes and, this year, it was in Baltimore! The division offers scholarships to go, which I applied for and received. I was so excited that I got to nerd out about OT!

I love going to AOTA because I learn about the exciting new places our profession is going and I can also network with big names in OT. There are always tons of great speakers, workshops, posters, and free stuff to grab! I also get to hang out with OTs all day – classmates, OT students from other schools, my professors, etc. Where else would I rather be than OT central?!

Here are a few of my OT classmates and my comrades on the recruitment and admissions team representing USC at the conference. There was an awesome balloon artist in the exposition hall, too, hence our adorable animal balloon headbands.

Clarissa with other AOTA attendees

Here are my classmates as well as one of my mental health professors Celso Delgado at the USC party that’s held every year at AOTA.

Clarissa with classmates and Dr. Celso Delgado at OTAC

AOTA is also a great excuse to travel. My friends and I got to do some sightseeing in Washington DC on the side.

Clarissa with classmates at the National Mall in Washington DC

Man, I’ve been doing a lot of traveling lately and I’m wiped. So worth it, though!