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Hike to Hollywood!


October 2, 2019

Living in LA

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Hiking is one of the best ways to exercise while looking at a nice view of nature! However, hiking can also be a very tiring occupation since it demands a lot of effort as we move around. Hiking to the Hollywood sign is just one of the many touristy things that anyone can do while they’re visiting Los Angeles. Last September 21, my classmates and I did the Hollywood hike. It took us nearly 2 hours to get to the top! It was indeed a very exhausting hike since we had to endure the heat of the sun but on the positive side, we all enjoyed each other’s company. There were times when some of us would stop whenever we find a spot shaded by the trees and make it as a short break and take it as a time for some jokes and small talks.

Pre-hike group photo

This is our pre-hike group photo! We all still look fresh here! LOL

This was taken halfway to the top!

This was taken halfway to the top!! We all look kind of tired already but surely, we will not give up!! #FightOn!

Finally at the top!

Finally at the top!! We look extra happy and fulfilled!

Hiking to the Hollywood sign on that day was actually our friends’ idea! Since our friends from Saudi Arabia were celebrating Saudi National Day and they were celebrating it by hiking, they were kind enough to invite us to join them. When we reached the top, we had some time to take selfies and pictures of each other. And needless to say, the view from the top was beautiful! We spent another hour at the top sitting and enjoying some Arabic Coffee, bread, and dates all the way from Saudi Arabia.

Filipinos and Taiwanese enjoying Arabic food

Filipinos and Taiwanese enjoying Arabic food

Filipinos and Taiwanese enjoying Arabic food

Filipinos and Taiwanese enjoying Arabic food: what a beautiful way to embrace culture and diversity!

Of course, who wouldn’t be amazed by the ever-beautiful LA sunset? Sunsets are always a good view to see after a long day. To me, it brings so much peace and calmness. Sunsets always remind me that after a long and tiring day, we can all take a break and rest, and shine again the next day.

Sunset by the Hollywood sign

Los Angeles at night

Los Angeles at night. Lovely as ever!

Until next time, fight on!