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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Dreams are our Reality


September 18, 2019

Diversity Getting Involved International Living in LA

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As I previously mentioned, USC Chan really knows how to welcome each and every student. Everyone makes sure that students feel the warmth and excitement of the entire Chan Division. Another way of them welcoming the international students is the Annual Welcome party at the Program Director’s house! We are very lucky to be able to spend time together as a cohort, together with Dr. Sarah Bream, Dr. Daniel Park, Dr. Emily Ochi, and other OT students from the Global Initiatives.

Group photo of the students of MA1 Program together with Dr. Ochi and Dr. Park. Also in this photo are OT students who work for the USC Chan Global Initiatives

Group photo of the students of MA1 Program together with Dr. Ochi and Dr. Park. Also in this photo are OT students who work for the USC Chan Global Initiatives

It was kind enough of the faculty to prepare a bus ride, food (both meat and vegetarian!), desserts, and games! While Dr. Ochi was busy preparing the snacks and desserts and Dr. Park was also busy grilling the burger patties, the students from Global Initiatives made sure that we take time to get to know each other more and learn from everyone’s experiences. We played a game called “Two truths and a lie”. In this game, each of us needed to say two honest statements that pertain to ourselves and a lie that should really sound like an honest statement too! Here’s the catch: the more the lie sounds real, the more everyone gets confused, and of course the more the game gets exciting!

Coach arriving to take students to the welcome party

Backyard BBQ at the welcome party

After the game, Dr. Park called us to go to the backyard to start eating! (I actually ate two vegetable patties and one meat patty, that’s how yummy they were!!) Now, I’m sure you are wondering how the title is connected to this content . . . hang on, were getting there! The highlight of this welcome bbq party, to me, was not just the yummy food or the games. It was the part where we had to write on a piece of paper, things about us and our dreams or wishes for this academic year. Most of us had a graduation wish among our three wishes. Of course, who doesn’t want to graduate, right? Almost all of us had the same wishes and it made us all feel even more connected with each other. Dr. Ochi and Dr. Park also shared their own work! All I can say is that both of them are genuine and caring occupational therapists that act not only as our mentors, but also our family away from home.

Writing things about us at the welcome party

Dr. Emily Ochi, the MA1 Program Director, shared how excited she is to work with us. She fondly tells us how lucky we are to be in a very diverse class where we can learn from each other's background.

Dr. Emily Ochi, the MA1 Program Director, shared how excited she is to work with us. She fondly tells us how lucky we are to be in a very diverse class where we can learn from each other’s background.

I am sure that after a year filled with fun and learning, our dreams will turn into our reality!