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University of Southern California
University of Southern California
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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A full week of fieldwork


October 16, 2013


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This past week I did not have any classes, because I had a 40+ hour week of fieldwork. My fieldwork took place at a pediatric clinic. The purpose of fieldwork is to provide occupational therapy students to incorporate what we have been learning in the classroom to what really happens out in the field. I know I am a kinesthetic learner which means I learn best when I carry out a physical activity (as opposed to listening to instructions or observing a demonstration). This is why it has been so important for me to have as many hands-on opportunities as possible during my education. I also think that because occupational therapy is typically such a hands-on profession, it is important for everyone in the field (whether they are kinesthetic learners or not) should get as much hands-on experience as possible!