October 15, 2013
by Kate
Life Hacks School/Life Balance
There’s always that time during the semester when I feel like I don’t have enough time to do all the things on my to-do list, including stuff for my personal life (like buying deodorant). And this week, my friends, is just that time. With a paper due Monday, a big test today, and a 10-page paper/15-minute presentation on Thursday, suffice it to say, I am BUSY. How can I get all the things done that I need to get done, and not breakdown?
How about this: do a little occupational therapy on yourself, Kate! Yep, that’s right. I got myself a giant dry-erase board calendar to help me visualize my schedule and prioritize my to-do list. This way I can hold myself accountable for what needs to be done and show me my timelines. I’m really proud of myself for putting this to use and for helping myself prepare for the next time when I feel pressure on my time (whether for school or longer down the road with a job). I know the importance of taking time to be productive, to rest, to care for yourself and to play.
Hopefully, this tool will guide me to being a better me, especially when it comes to school. I’m excited!! And just as an FYI, I bought deodorant. Don’t worry. 😉
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