Winter Break Occupations

January 18, 2019
by Jessica P.
School/Life Balance What are OS/OT?
After a month long winter break, I am finally back on campus! Coming back for spring semester I always feel refreshed and excited after having some time off. The past few weeks I’ve found time to relax with family, catch up with friends, and even re-engage in some of my favorite, meaningful occupations.
I was able to spend time volunteering with PressFriends, an organization I have been involved with since I was in high school. As a mentor, I get to go to elementary schools in the Los Angeles area and help them develop after school newspaper programs.
My mom, sister, and I spent time visiting Georgia for the first time.
My sister and I at Jekyll Island, Georgia
I even was able to engage in meaningful occupations while fulfilling the not so fun occupation of jury duty. During our long lunch breaks from the courthouse, I explored the wonderful food Downtown LA has to offer. I was a frequent customer at Grand Central Market where you can you can pretty much find any type of food you could ever want.
And of course, my favorite occupation of all — spending time with my dogs.
I know that this next (and my last!!) semester is going to fly by and I can’t wait for all of the adventures to come!
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