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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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My First Week Back!


September 3, 2013

Classes Fieldwork Getting Involved

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What a rush! Last Monday was our first day back at school and my first week as an official USC OT Student Ambassador. It was so great to see friends that I hadn’t seen all summer and to catch up on our first Level II fieldwork experiences. I enjoyed hearing about the different sites where my friends interned as OT students — from the Department of Veterans Affairs in Hawaii, to a pediatric clinic in Denver and beyond! My own fieldwork experience was so interesting and such a great learning experience. I had the chance to work at a forensic treatment agency, collaborating with social workers, MFTs and case managers, to help formerly incarcerated individuals regain their independence and become involved in healthy, meaningful activities. I learned so much about the value of occupational therapy and how it can help change lives. But for now, it’s back to school!

I am currently in the Adult Physical Rehabilitation and Disability immersion and so far, it is fascinating! We have begun to learn about the different settings in physical rehabilitation, dive into Medicare and where OT fits, and take a short field trip to the Keck Medical Center of USC for actual chart reviews. As a second year master’s student, I am also taking a class on Adulthood and Aging, which complements the Adult Rehab and Disability immersion perfectly. I am lucky to be learning about this area of occupational therapy at such a critical moment in time. I also attended my first elective course this fall, which covers occupational therapy in primary care. I am very excited about this “new frontier” in OT, and I cannot wait to learn more. This elective offers a plethora of volunteering opportunities where we as students learn through experiencing a primary care setting first-hand. I know that this fall will be busy, but I am looking forward to it all!

To cap it all off, I have begun this journey as an ambassador for the USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. I am so excited to share my love for OT and my love for USC all at the same time. I’ve attached a picture of my fellow ambassador, Ryan Thomas, and I in the office before we had lunch with two visiting international students. I have learned this past week, that when you’re doing what you love with such great people, it is pretty hard to have a bad day! Until next time . . .

Kate with Ryan