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Beyond Ergonomics


January 16, 2013

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And let the semester begin!!!

So far this week I have attended Motor Control, Ergonomics, and Lifestyle Redesign and they are all fascinating courses. I am especially excited about Ergonomics, aka ‘the science of work.’

When we think about Ergonomics, we typically think of having a computer workstation designed to best fit your body so as to limit repetitive stress fractures, carpal tunnel syndrome and many other work related chronic injuries.

And while this is a perfect example of Ergonomics, its application is in everything we do, every move we make.

What especially surprised me was our professor telling us how the disks between our vertebrae begin to deteriorate by our 30s. People this is crazy! I’m nearly 30 and determined to have a life filled with adventure and the freedom to move and explore the world as I see fit. As you can see below, sometimes I just have to play on the monkey bars, and it is MUCH harder when you’re adult sized, so I want to minimize my risks as much as possible.

Kendra on monkey bars

Another thing that blew me away was how typical movement can negatively impact our body. Let me explain. We all know to ‘lift with your knees but not with your back’ but what we don’t consider is how simple movements like bending over to plug in your phone or twisting to reach a paper or high five a friend can damage your vertebral disks. The professor explained it further, that while these movements may be harmful we do them because it’s the most efficient form of movement. So how does one find a happy medium? The best answer is always, always exercise, diet, and be kind to your body.

I’ll keep you posted as I learn more!