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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Older Driver Safety Awareness Week


December 3, 2012

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December 3-7th, 2012 is AOTA’s Older Driver Safety Awareness Week! Driving rehabilitation is a common area of practice for OTs and can include identification of unique challenges and strategies to improve safety well as analysis of the role that driving plays in someone’s life. The goal of this week is to advocate for older adults who still are driving and to educate everyone of the important relationship between access to transportation and active participation in one’s community. Mobility allows one to remain active, involved, motivated and confident in their abilities. This in turn helps improve well-being and reduces the barriers which are often imposed upon this age group due to stigma. We all realize that certain changes take place as we age and it is important to keep in mind that these changes are normal and that they will eventually happen to each of us. I encourage you all to be mindful and to help educate on the importance of driving safety instead of drawing assumptions solely based on someone’s age.

1. Melissa | December 3, 2012

What a great way to help older people feel more normal and more in control of their lives. It’s also probably rewarding for them to feel like they’re re-learning and getting better at something even if they feel like they are starting to wear down, no?

2. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) | December 3, 2012

Yes, definitely! It can be an extremely gratifying experience, one that improves self-efficacy and motivates the individual to continue as an active participant in all facets of their life!
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