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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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The Circle of Life


December 29, 2012

School/Life Balance

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The long break from classes has been a great opportunity to accomplish goals from the semester which are pushed aside for studying and more accessible study breaks with friends. It has been so great spending this time at home with my family and visiting with friends from different points in my life. My family made it through the whirlwind of Christmas celebrations — spread through about 5 days of festivities. With things calming down a bit, this week was the perfect time for a date with my mom in San Francisco. We traveled in to the city and browsed the Ferry Building on the Embarcadero, grabbed lunch and then went to the matinee of The Lion King at the Orpheum Theater. Having grown up in the Bay Area and spent almost 20 years living in the area, it is still nice to act like tourists occasionally.

The show was amazing. I do not have any background in theater, unlike many of my peers (and fellow-student ambassador, Kendra, who is definitely a pro) and I have only been to two performances but I have so enjoyed it each time. The effects, costumes, and coordination of all sights and sounds is just mind-blowing! This performance was unique to the one I had previously seen because there were children in the cast. As I sat watching with my mom, I was taken back to my childhood — which was full of Disney movies — and I wondered how things may have been different if I had been interested in theater instead of the many lifelong occupations I still cherish and pursue. Here were 9 year old children involved in a touring production who were bringing it all to the table and loving it! It was so great to see and I found myself wondering if their parents were also in theater and if the adults in the cast had also begun their careers in this art as a child. This job is clearly rigorous, with frequency of performances and the demands on the body and mind to commit to characters, and it is incredible that these professionals do what they do. Viewing and experiencing these performances is a new occupation of mine — although it may not come to fruition until I have a salary. :] I encourage you to give a new occupation a try before the new year!

Theatre marquee showing The Lion King