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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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January 17, 2013


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Day 4 of the new semester! I hadn’t fully comprehended how I’d be putting in 11–12 hr days. Don’t be alarmed, that’s only 2 days a week. The cool thing is, I have very light days just after to recover. So far it doesn’t even matter because I’m absolutely loving my courses. That may have something to do with the fact that I got to choose them. That’s not to say that some of the courses I’ve completed to date aren’t great; I’m just saying it’s always better when you hand pick ‘em. So one of courses is a USC OT staple: Sensory Integration (SI). SI is an approach that was pioneered by USC’s own A. Jean Ayres. My professor was a student of Ayres’ and is very accomplished in her own right. So exciting! Another of my self-selected electives is the Motor Control best-practice course at a renowned local rehabilitation hospital. This class is a late one, but I don’t think I’ll have any trouble staying awake seeing as how yesterday was our first day and already we were practicing transfers. So hands-on — I love it! The instructor is very engaging as well. Well, let me see how today’s 12 hr-day goes, and I’ll check in with ya’ll shortly. Oh, also, what’s the deal with Manti Te’o? C’mon bro, really?