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Before I Let Go . . . One Last Blog


May 14, 2019

Beginnings and Endings Diversity Videos

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It is nearly unbelievable to think that my time in USC’s Occupational Therapy Master’s program is coming to an end. And Before I Let Go . . . I had to post one last time about my graduation ceremony and a surprise Beyoncé dance video that is near the end of the blog!

At USC's Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony

At USC’s Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony in a feeling of utter bliss and joy after receiving my master’s degree and Award for Professional Promise and Personal Excellence

It is a bittersweet feeling to come to the end of a program that has given me so much! One of the most difficult parts is saying goodbye to the friends and mentors that I have made while in the program.

At USC's Black Graduate ceremony with Miriam Brown and Natasha Strickland

At USC’s Black Graduate ceremony with Miriam Brown and Natasha Strickland

At USC's Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony with another student ambassador and friend, Jessica Pederson

At USC’s Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony with another student ambassador and friend, Jessica Pederson

With a few of my friends and cousin at USC's Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony

With a few of my friends and cousin at USC’s Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony

At USC's Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony with a few of my mentors: Dr. Stefanie Bodison, Dr. Julie McLaughlin Gray, Ms. Bianca Ojeda, and Dr. Camille Dieterle

At USC’s Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony with a few of my mentors (top to bottom, left to right): Dr. Stefanie Bodison, Dr. Julie McLaughlin Gray, Ms. Bianca Ojeda, and Dr. Camille Dieterle

I am thankful to have received a master’s degree but I am most grateful for the lifelong friendships I have formed and mentors I have gained while in the program. We have memories, pictures, and videos that we will cherish forever. In honor of graduation here is one of my favorite videos some of my friends and I put together with the help of our friend in USC’s School of Cinematic Arts.

Lastly, I would like to thank my family for supporting me during my OT and life’s journey. At a time of great accomplishments comes the need to remember how you achieved your successes. Without my family I would not be who I am or where I am today. As OTs we know that the community and social supports play a huge role in quality of life and health. My personal accomplishments will always and forever be my community’s accomplishments, my family’s accomplishments. 

At USC's Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony with my family: my dad, baby sister, me, mom, and middle sister

At USC’s Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony with my family (left to right): my dad, baby sister, me, mom, and middle sister

At USC's Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony with other family members: grandfather, mom, me, and aunt

At USC’s Occupational Therapy Graduation ceremony with other family members (left to right): grandfather, mom, me, and aunt

My graduation cap decorated by my mother

My graduation cap decorated by my mother in memory of my grandmother who instilled courage, exceptional work ethics, and kindness into my heart

Thankfully, I will be staying at USC for another year to complete my doctorate at USC’s Occupational Therapy Faculty Practice (OTFP). At the OTFP I will be pursuing my interests in health and wellness by receiving mentorship while delivering Lifestyle Redesign® interventions to promote healthier habits and routines.

Fight On!

Fight On!