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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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APOTS in Taiwan
October 5, 2017

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The USC Chan China Initiative team attended the first-ever Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Symposium, hosted October 17-22 by the Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association, Chang Gung University’s Department of Occupational Therapy and the Asia-Pacific Occupational Therapy Regional Group (APOTRG). Although McLaughlin Gray and Chan were not scheduled to speak, they met with partners and parties at the forefront of occupational therapy in Asia.

USC Chan faculty members Julie McLaughlin Gray and Adley Chan.

Photo courtesy of APOTS

Photo courtesy of APOTS

Photo courtesy of APOTS

Photo courtesy of APOTS

Photo courtesy of APOTS

Photo courtesy of APOTS

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Photo courtesy of APOTS

Photo courtesy of APOTS

Photo courtesy of APOTS