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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Fine Motor Merriment!


October 1, 2015

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This week in Pediatrics, we created our very own Fine Motor Toolkits! This project was one of many interactive ways in which our teachers help us process the concepts we are learning in class. Our directions for the toolkit were to use our knowledge of pediatric fine motor skill development in order to create activities that could be used as therapeutic interventions. To do so, we addressed all kinds of potential developmental challenges that children with disabilities might be struggling with: grasp patterns (for writing), in-hand manipulation, finger strength, tool use, stereognosis (the ability to perceive objects by touch), and kinesthesia (the awareness of the movements of one’s body).

We went around and shared our ideas in class; I must say, I was very impressed! It was inspiring to see what everyone had come up with for their activities. I am so lucky I get to call these creative, talented, and intelligent people my classmates.

Here is a video of one of the Pediatric Fine Motor Toolkits born out of this assignment, created by Palita Joyce Thamparipatra!

Fine motor toolkit yarn