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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Thanksgiving Potluck 2016


November 14, 2016

Community International Living in LA

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Can you believe that we only have about two more months to go before 2016 ends?! That also means that the fall semester ends in around 5 weeks! Yikes!

So November is here! Time to enjoy the cooling weather and fun fall activities. One notable fall event that should not be missed is Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a traditional American holiday that is usually celebrated on the fourth thursday of November. However, thanksgiving came early for us this year. The MA-1 students were able to celebrate together on the beach, in true California fashion, all thanks to the efforts of Global Initiatives and Dr. Erna Blanche. The day was filled with fun, sand, waves and lots of food. Traditionally Thanksgiving would be celebrated with a whole oven roasted turkey, but we decided to take a trip around the world. Since it was a potluck, the class each shared a dish from their country. We had dishes from India, Taiwan, Philippines, Korea, Scotland, Italy and America, our bellies were stuffed! After the festivities, and a nice game of charades we headed out to the beach to watch the sunset. Needless to say it was beautiful. The sound of the waves crashing, the colors of the sun setting and the changing sky were magical. It was truly a beautiful end to such a lovely day.

On behalf of the MA-1 class I would like to extend our gratitude to Global Initiatives and Dr. Erna Blanche for hosting and coordinating this thanksgiving potluck for the class. It was a lovely day, and great way to get to know everyone through their food as well as culture.

Here are some pictures from our trip (all photos used with permission from owners, Arielle Villanueva and Kathryna Gomez).

MA-1s grabbing a plate of food

MA-1s with big smiles and full plates!

Asparagus in a blanket

Asparagus in a blanket

Korean Kimbob all made from scratch

Korean Kimbob

Korean Fried Rice with Kimchi

Korean Kimchi Fried Rice

Taiwanese vs Philippine noodles

Both are fried rice noodles, the left is a Taiwanese dish while the one on the right is a Filipino dish. Shared food culture!

MA1 help yourselves

Help yourselves

Eton Mess lovely dessert from Britain

Eton Mess, a lovely dessert from Britain

Mung Bean dessert from Taiwan

Mung Bean, a Taiwanese Dessert

Friendly game of telephone charades

Telephone charades!

Selfie on the beach

Selfie on the beach!

Selfie on the beach part 2

Selfie on the beach part 3 with Dr. Blanche

Global Initiatives Hosts

A big thank you to our hosts and event coordinators

Sunset after potluck thanksgiving

Beautiful sunset

Beautiful Sunset

Look at those colors

Everyone ready for group photo

Happy Thanksgiving from the MA-1 batch of 2017