Welcome Ceremony for the 2nd Cohort of USC-PKUHSC Dual-Degree Students
July 11, 2020
PKUHSC and USC jointly held a virtual Welcome Ceremony for the second cohort of students admitted to the PKUHSC Master’s Program in Rehabilitation Therapy (Occupational Therapy Track).
Academics and Courses China Initiative Diversity, Access, Equity International Students
PKUHSC held an online Welcome Ceremony for the second cohort of students admitted to the PKUHSC Master’s Program in Rehabilitation Therapy (Occupational Therapy Track). The ceremony was attended by both PKUHSC faculty and instructors, as well as USC China Initiative faculty and doctoral residents. Professor Mouwang Zhou, Chief Physician and Director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Peking University Third Hospital, and one of the faculty mentors at PKUHSC, provided an overview of the USC-PKUHSC partnership and timeline and the Master’s program curriculum. Professor Zhou also shared progress on current related projects, such as publication of the USC-PKUHSC OT Student Handbook, translation of the Lifestyle Redesign® manual into Chinese, and construction of the PKUHSC Institute of Medical Technology building, within which the OT program will be housed. Professor Ninghua Wang, Chief Physician and Director of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Peking University First Hospital and also a faculty mentor at PKUHSC, shared her reflections on the collaboration and provided inspirational remarks to this new cohort on behalf of all PKUHSC faculty mentors.
PKUHSC faculty, instructors, and 2nd cohort of students, along with USC faculty and doctoral resident, pose with the “Fight On” gesture at the end of the Welcome Ceremony
In the second part of the Welcome Ceremony, each of the seven students introduced themselves and articulated their passion for occupational therapy. Unlike the first cohort of students who had undergraduate education in Rehabilitation Therapy or Sports Medicine, this second cohort of students includes two graduates from WFOT-approved bachelor’s programs in occupational therapy, and one student with several years of practice experience. PKUHSC faculty and instructors, as well as the USC Chan China Initiative team, are excited to welcome this new cohort of energetic students and to further their development as professionals and future leaders in occupational therapy. The course instructors, in collaboration with the China Initiative team, will continue to culturally adapt the PKUHSC curriculum in order to best meet the needs of this more diverse cohort of students.
PKUHSC faculty Mouwang Zhou, Ninghua Wang, Zhen Huang, Cui Wang, Yanyan Yang, PKUHSC instructors Yijun (Jane) Liu, Liguo Qian, and Hui (Angela) Wang, PKUHSC 2nd cohort of students, USC China Initiative faculty Julie McLaughlin Gray, Ling Yu (Elena) Meng, USC China Initiative OTD Resident Psalm Chang Ho.