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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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A Step Forward!


May 11, 2017

Beginnings and Endings

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Goodbyes are never easy. So, here I am, feeling a bit sad and reminiscent as I write my final blog post as a student ambassador. I have had the best memories with my fellow student ambassador team!

Student Ambassador Team

Student Ambassador Team 2016-2017

Graduation is tomorrow (YAA!!!!) and I am so excited to spend the day with my biggest supporters, my family and friends! I have had the most incredible year and I am so thankful that I chose USC. I still remember the initial moment I found out that I was accepted. I was in my dorm and received a cheerful call from Dr. Liz Carley. After this phone call ended, I could not help but to scream, dance, and share the good news! I knew that I had something very worthwhile lying ahead of me!

This journey of mine at USC has been quite transformative, as I have gone back and forth about what practice area (pediatrics, physical rehabilitation, etc.) I want to pursue. Thanks to the incredible faculty here at USC, I have received so much support to leave my “comfort zone,” and explore an emerging area for OT practice, primary care.

Dr. Rafeedie

Dr. Rafeedie, one of my favorite faculty mentors!

Throughout this past year, I have developed a strong interest and passion for helping individuals prevent and manage chronic diseases (diabetes, heart disease) by adopting healthy lifestyle routines and habits. Specifically, I find myself passionate about helping these individuals within the primary care setting. I am so excited to share that I will be staying here at USC to pursue my passion and clinical doctorate degree (OTD) in the advanced clinical track! I will be completing my residency at Alta Med Health Care and I can’t wait to start working with other health care professionals on interdisciplinary teams to meet the primary care needs of individuals across the lifespan (pediatrics to adults ☺)

For those of you who are just beginning your journey towards becoming an OT, I wish you the best of luck!

Embrace the value in every learning moment and always ask questions!
Take time to know your classmates and faculty, as these are the people who will teach and laugh with you along the way.
Thank the ones who support you ☺
Challenge yourself! & Most importantly, have fun and enjoy!

Fight on!

Fight on!

OT Friends

Love you long time OT Friends!