End of First Semester!

December 14, 2014
by Bindi
Living in LA School/Life Balance
The last few weeks of the end of the semester was a busy busy time! Hence I apologize for the late blogging. It was assignments, presentations, exams, and paper submissions in a random and recurrent order until the last day! What a relief that day was.
Of course the completion of my first semester called for a celebration and as a foreigner in America I had to do the Cheesecake Factory at a fancy mall ☺. I thoroughly enjoyed the food and a scrumptious pecan pumpkin cheesecake.
Yummy Cheescakes
Lettuce Wraps
Fancy Mall
The day after finals most people sleep in, but then again I am not most people! I woke up early to study again for my Californian driving test, which didn’t happen due to several reasons that I shall not dwell upon. Followed by running around town completing errands such as returning borrowed books.
Friday evening was well spent at the San Antonio Winery (another first) for our Recruitment/Admissions Team holiday dinner. It was a wonderful laughter filled dinner with all the student ambassadors and Sarah Kelly, Helen Mirsaeidi, Liz Carley and Kim Kelton! We exchanged gifts, and our most memorable and funny moments of this semester.
It has been a special semester for me and USC and LA has exceeded my expectations! It’s the holidays and I am in Summerville / Charleston, South Carolina with the only and very special family I have in America, with the promise of putting on weight and recharging to fight on harder in the next and sighhh . . . my last semester.
Beautiful Summerville Sunset
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