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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Time is going by too quickly!


January 31, 2015

Beginnings and Endings School/Life Balance

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Time is going by way too fast! It was just a few months back when I moved to a new country to pursue my master’s degree in occupational therapy, and here I am today looking for hotels and making reservations for my family to attend my graduation, which is in a couple of months!

I understand why time is going by so quickly though — I am busy, I am occupied and I am enjoying it. This semester has a much heavier workload compared to the first semester. Most people cringe at the thought of more work, but not me. The more productive I am the better I feel about myself. I don’t see many of my classmates anymore as we are immersed into the electives with the rest of the second-years. We are being pushed out of our cozy comfort zone, and finally interacting with the other occupational therapy students.

A lot of good things are happening this semester, as we slowly edge towards reality. I bought a car to help me commute to Torrance thrice a week for the Sensory Integration Certification Course at Pediatric Therapy Network. It is hard to believe that in a couple of months we are going to be sitting for the NBCOT exams and looking for a job as licensed and registered OTs and also a certified SI therapist. It is going to be an exciting time and the light at the end of the tunnel is keeping me going!