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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Smell the Roses ⟩
January 17, 2017, by Erwin

Community Living in LA What are OS/OT?

Exciting things were happening in the world of OT during the holidays. On January 2nd, occupational therapy had the honor of having a float at the 128th Tournament of Roses Parade.

If you didn’t know, 2017 marks 100 years of occupational therapy. That’s an awesome achievement for our profession and a testament to OT’s contributions to society. The float is a celebration of our wonderful profession and provided exposure about what OT is to the millions of people that watch the Rose Parade.

In anticipation for our 100 years as a profession, the American Occupational Therapy Association decided on a centennial vision:

“We envision that occupational therapy is a powerful, widely recognized, science-driven, evidence-based profession with a globally connected and diverse workforce meeting society’s occupational needs.”

This float was an excellent opportunity to support our profession in meeting its centennial vision of being “widely recognized” and “globally connected”!

This float could not been done without the support of the Occupational Therapy Association of California, which sponsored the float, and its volunteers. Many USC faculty members and students dedicated their time to help with this awesome project, and being one of those volunteers, I can proudly say it was worth the time and effort! Read more about the float.

Here are some photos of the float and the volunteers that helped to make this float possible.

USC OT students, Alisa and Evelyn, helping decorate the float!

USC OT students, Alisa and Evelyn, helping decorate the float!

USC OSOT faculty working hard on the float

USC OT faculty members volunteered so much of their time to make this float a reality

Early stages of the float

Early stages of the float

This guy on the float looks familiar

This guy on the float looks familiar

And here it is: the 2017 OTAC Rose Parade Float!

And here it is: the 2017 OTAC Rose Parade Float!


Hello 2017 and Hello Spring Semester! ⟩
January 13, 2017, by Raisa

Classes What are OS/OT?

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everybody had a wonderful end to 2016 and a positive start to 2017. The start of the New Year also marks the start of the spring semester, which means new courses and my last semester in the Post-Professional Master’s program.

I am stoked for the spring semester as I will be diving right into my practice area of interest, which is Adult Rehabilitation! Find out more about the USC OSOT courses.

Let me give you a breakdown of the electives I will be taking this semester:

  • OT574 Enhancing Motor Control: This class provides an in-depth understanding of the role of OT, the domain of practice and occupation-based approach to adult rehabilitation in upper motor neuron syndromes. In this hands-on laboratory class, students will be able to interact with clients and clinicians for an integrated learning experience of both theory and application in the different approaches relating to Neurorehabilitation.
  • OT573 Hand Rehabilitation: Students will be able to build a good foundation of the anatomy and physiology of the forearm, wrist, and hand; incorporating the science and the art of occupation into developing your clinical reasoning skills for occupation-based evaluation and treatment for common hand disorders.
  • OT575 Dysphagia across the Lifespan, Pediatricts to Geriatrics: This course will give students a better understanding of the role of OT in the management of dysphagia cases from pediatric to geriatric populations. The class will focus on the OTs domain of practice, which will equip students with a firm foundation in the comprehension and treatment of swallowing disorders.
  • OT577 Seminar in Occupational Therapy: This class provides students with an overview of the role and domain of practice of occupational therapy in different clinical settings and contexts. Seminar and class discussions will be done in order to integrate both theory and clinical practice in various healthcare settings.

USC offers a variety of electives which will equip you with the skills you need to become a well-rounded practitioner. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is also a common foundation that all these courses are built on, your future self will thank you for keeping up to date with the latest EBP trends. Some of these courses even go towards a completion of specialization or certification in your future practice.

I hope to grow as an Occupational Therapist with the help of the esteemed USC OSOT faculty and my Trojan Family. I look forward to this semester, and I wish everyone the best of luck in their endeavors! What electives would you want to take in the USC OSOT division? Shoot me an email, I’d love to hear from you!

Fight on!


New Year, Big News! ⟩
January 10, 2017, by Alyssa

Community Living in LA

Happy New Year! I couldn’t be more proud to be a Trojan!

With a big football victory and a kickoff to celebrating the OT centennial with a float in the Rose Parade, things are certainly exciting here at USC OSOT! Not to mention, this week also marks the beginning of spring semester. Now when it comes to football, the Trojans made quite the appearance at the Rose Bowl. It had been a long 8 years since USC had played in the Rose Bowl game and were certainly able to FIGHT ON and win 52-49 against Penn State. What a way for USC to start off a new year!

2017 marks a century of Occupational Therapy, which means our national organization and health profession will turn 100 years old! As we move forward into this New Year, the students here at USC OSOT continue to promote our profession, especially the wonderful people we have met and helped. Check out our AMAZING float and learn more about OT! ☺


Home for the Holidays ⟩
December 22, 2016, by Kimmy

Life Hacks Living in LA

I never thought that I would be so far from home. As a New York native, California was far from my future plans — both geographically and idealistically. Little did I know, USC would win me over and become my home, 3000 miles away from home.

Admittedly, my first few months were challenging. I came from a small town and went to school with classmates I had known for the past 12 years. But then, slowly but surely, I found myself enveloped in and invigorated by the Trojan Family. I joined a sorority, I participated in student organizations, I buried my nose in the book stacks of Doheny, and I cheered on the football team.

But New York is always my home base. My parents lend their ears when I need to vent. My brother offers advice to guide my way. My friends make me laugh even in the midst of midterms. A simple text message can traverse the vastness of the country, making distance virtually nonexistent.

And the holidays provide the perfect reason to physically traverse the country, enduring the bus-plane-car trio to finally land back in my twin size bed. Though my trips home have become less frequent each successive year, they have not become any less meaningful. It is now my first time home in a year, since I was in Utah for fieldwork over summer break. During these three weeks, I will soak up as much winter cheer as I can.

Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center

Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center

One of my favorite New York winter sights!

Though leaving home may be difficult at times (as is graduate school), I have no regrets about my decision. With friends that feel like family and an education to prepare me for my future, USC has truly become my home away from home. That being said, of course there is no place like home!

If you have any questions about moving out of state for OT school, please do not hesitate to reach out. 😊


The End of the Fall Semester ⟩
December 12, 2016, by Raisa

Classes School/Life Balance

I cannot believe it is the end of the fall semester. It feels just like yesterday that I flew in from the Philippines to pursue my masters degree. The last 5 months feel like a surreal blur, but nonetheless, I am happy and ecstatic to be moving forward in the spring! This semester has been nothing short of amazing. I will not lie, it was difficult but it was definitely worth it. 

Through the efforts of our supportive faculty, the program was both challenging and rewarding. The program certainly does live up to its name and I am excited to see what the spring semester has in store for me.

Let me leave you with some pictures of the MA-1 class and our professors on our final classes. With the holidays fast approaching I hope that everyone gets their well-needed rest, enjoy the time you have with friends and family. See you in the spring!

The MA1 class in their last class for Quantitative Research

Our last class for OT518: Quantitative Research with professor Shawn Phipps PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

MA1 in their final Cognitive Neuroscience Class

Our semester ending class on OT515: Neuroscience of Behavior with professor Sook-Lei Liew PhD, OTR/L

Final Class for Adult and Aging for the MA1

Our final class for OT538 Current Issues in Practice: Adulthood and Aging with Stacey Schepens Niemiec PhD, OTR/L

Final class for Health Promotion and Wellness

Final class for OT 534: Health Promotion and Wellness with Camille Dieterle OTD, OTR/L

Happy Holidays everyone!

Fight on!

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