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Blanche and PUPS team research in OT Practice ⟩
February 7, 2012

Chan in the Media Faculty Research

The latest issue of OT Practice’s Research Update features the USC Pressure Ulcer Prevention in Spinal Cord Injury (PUPS) research article Manualization of Occupational Therapy Interventions: Illustrations From the Pressure Ulcer Prevention Research Program. Erna Blanche PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA,…

Grant Awarded to Study Sensory Adapted Dental Environments ⟩
October 12, 2011

Autism Awards Chan in the Media Clinical Faculty Research

Division Professor Sharon Cermak and a team of co-investigators at USC and Children's Hospital Los Angeles were recently awarded a two-year grant, totaling over a half million dollars, by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. The "Sensory Adapted Dental Environments" grant will…

Strategies to Help Young Adults Manage Diabetes ⟩
July 26, 2011

Chan in the Media Faculty Health and Wellness Research

Beth Pyatak (PhD ’10, MA ’04), Division postdoctoral research associate and alumna, conducted research with young adults to develop lifestyle-based strategies for coping with diabetes. Read more about her work at Strategies to Help Manage Diabetes.

USC Researchers Explore the Source of Empathy in the Brain ⟩
July 19, 2011

Chan in the Media Faculty Research

Read more on Lisa Aziz-Zadeh’s research, funded by the Brain and Creativity Institute, the Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC, the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and the USC Provost's PhD Fellowship.…

13 Trojans recently published in the Journal of Occupational Science ⟩
June 28, 2011

Alumni Chan in the Media Faculty Research Students

Congratulations to the many USC faculty, students and alumni who were recently published in the April and June 2011 editions of the Journal of Occupational Science. Authors include: Gelya Frank PhD, Professor Elizabeth Pyatak (PhD ’10, MA ’04), Postdoctoral Research Associate Linda Muccitelli…

‘Well Elderly’ follow-up study published! ⟩
June 7, 2011

Chan in the Media Clinical Lifestyle Redesign Research

Published in the June 2nd issue of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the study demonstrates the effectiveness of lifestyle oriented occupational therapy for a diverse group of older adults. Read and download the open access article at Effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention in…

Occupational Therapy Students and Faculty Share Research ⟩
April 5, 2011

Autism Chan in the Media Events Faculty Lectures and Talks Lifestyle Redesign Research Students

USC Occupational Therapy's chapter of Pi Theta Epsilon sponsored the Occupational Therapy Research Day on March 28 to showcase current research being conducted in the Division. Read more at Occupational Therapy Students and Faculty Share Research.

Sing-Song Speakers Score Highly on Measures of Empathy ⟩
August 11, 2010

Chan in the Media Faculty Research

Assistant Professor Lisa Aziz-Zadeh is featured in Scientific American. Read more at Sing-Song Speakers Score Highly on Measures of Empathy.

Aziz-Zadeh awarded grant to fund stroke rehabilitation ⟩
July 8, 2010

Associations and Bodies Awards Faculty Research

The American Heart Association has awarded assistant professor Lisa Aziz-Zadeh a three-year $231,000 grant to understand how individuals with stroke process actions.

Centennial Vision — Rehabilitation Research ⟩
July 1, 2010

Faculty Research

Assistant Professor Trudy Mallinson co-authored Centennial Vision — Rehabilitation Research in the May/June 2010 issue of The American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT).

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