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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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Student Blog


Last Day of Level I Fieldwork ⟩
November 19, 2013, by Jen


I cannot believe that today was my last day of level 1 fieldwork. Level 1 fieldwork introduces students to a specific occupational therapy setting (my fieldwork this semester was in the pediatric setting) and allows students to apply what they have been learning in class into practice. My experiences this semester at my fieldwork site have really helped me develop a better understanding of what occupational therapists are able to do in the pediatric setting. I love working with children and families, so I am definitely going to miss the people I have met during my final level 1 fieldwork.

I am thankful that I have found such a rewarding field to work in and a population that I genuinely enjoy working with.


I Am Thankful ⟩
November 13, 2013, by Jen

Community Life Hacks

With Thanksgiving only one week away, I cannot help but think about all I have to be thankful for. I am thankful for the intelligent and caring faculty that is supporting me throughout my education at USC. I am thankful for my student ambassador co-workers who make my job even more enjoyable. I am thankful for my classmates who have become some of my closest friends. I am thankful for the skilled occupational therapists that have taken so much time to mentor me and enrich my learning experiences. I am thankful for my friends and family who give me space to study (or much needed study breaks) and provide me with unconditional love and support. Most of all, I am thankful that I have found a professional that will remind me every day how much I have to be thankful for.

Happy Turkey Day graphic


Transition from Undergrad to Grad School ⟩
November 8, 2013, by Jen

Classes Getting Involved

I had a wonderful opportunity to work at the USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy table at the California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education. I enjoyed speaking with all the students who were in the process of exploring what they might want to do after they graduate. This experience caused me to reflect on my own transition from being an undergraduate student to being a graduate student. My undergraduate school prepared me to have a general understanding of multiple subjects from science to philosophy in addition to taking the numerous kinesiology and psychology classes that were required for my major and minor. Now that I am in graduate school, my courses are much more focused on a single topic — occupational therapy. Within the topic of occupational therapy are many sub topics such as: geriatrics, sensory integration, hands, assistive technology, ergonomics, physical rehabilitation, and much, much more!

Table at the California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education

Table at the California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education


A full week of fieldwork ⟩
October 16, 2013, by Jen


This past week I did not have any classes, because I had a 40+ hour week of fieldwork. My fieldwork took place at a pediatric clinic. The purpose of fieldwork is to provide occupational therapy students to incorporate what we have been learning in the classroom to what really happens out in the field. I know I am a kinesthetic learner which means I learn best when I carry out a physical activity (as opposed to listening to instructions or observing a demonstration). This is why it has been so important for me to have as many hands-on opportunities as possible during my education. I also think that because occupational therapy is typically such a hands-on profession, it is important for everyone in the field (whether they are kinesthetic learners or not) should get as much hands-on experience as possible!


Explaining Occupational Therapy ⟩
October 5, 2013, by Jen

What are OS/OT?

When someone asks me “What is occupational therapy?” I want to respond “Do you have a minute or an hour?” Occupational therapy is an amazing field, but defining occupational therapy can be a challenge at times. Occupational therapy is a health profession that focuses on the meaningful activities that OCCUPY a person’s day. For example, the meaningful activities that occupy my days typically include waking up and preparing breakfast for myself, driving to school, learning from my professors and peers, working as a student ambassador after class, and engaging in social events with my friends in the evening. If I suddenly was unable to complete these various occupations independently (whether due to an illness, disease, stressful event, etc.), I might seek out the care of an occupational therapist who would evaluate and treat me so that I may participate more fully in my life. For more information on defining occupational therapy, I recommend checking out the American Occupational Therapy Association website.

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