Throwback Thursday

February 20, 2020
by Kaho
Admissions Externships Housing and Transportation International Life Hacks Living in LA What are OS/OT?
As I was brainstorming what to write for my upcoming blog posts, I found myself at a complete blank. Nothing came to mind. I thought, what unique information can I provide as a student? As an ambassador? Social media chair? Then, a lightbulb switched on. Why don’t I take advantage of the data I’ve learned to analyze this year and make a compilation of other amazing blog posts? So, here we are. Here are the top 10 most popular blog posts from past and current student ambassadors (from Jan 1, 2015 through today), according to page views by you all! There are some oldies but goodies and they’re all definitely worth a read, so check them out.
- How to write a personal statement
- How to explain what occupational therapy is
- A Leadership Externship experience in South Korea
- A breakdown of the workload/life of an OT student
- Pros and cons of living at Currie Hall
- Pros of living in OT House vs. Pros of living somewhere else
- A different Leadership Externship experience in South Korea
- Pros and Cons of living in OT House
- Incorporating yoga into occupational therapy
- The role of occupational therapy in oncology
Hope you find these helpful!