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The Choice is Yours ⟩
April 16, 2021, by Bethany


Congrats! To all of our undergraduate admitted students, you’ve made it! It’s been a long season of submitting applications and putting yourself out there, and now the power is in your hands. You get to choose where you want to go to school next fall.

Pursue your passions — With whatever choices you have available to you, remember that this is a time to learn. Part of why I chose USC as an undergrad school is because I was able to pursue OT, and at the same time, I didn’t have to give up my passion for music. I could be a part of the Trojan Marching Band and pursue a minor in Musical Studies. Since my faith is also important to me, I found Christian community at my school to support me. I looked for a school where I could continue to do what I loved. Consider what other classes you might want to take for fun, what clubs are available, and what life on and off campus might look like. You can even take a tour if you want to hear a student perspective!

Give yourself space to grow — I was nervous to choose such a large school. I came from a small city where the people I knew senior year, I had known since at least sixth grade, if not elementary school. But in the end, I decided that I wanted to get out of my comfort zone, to be okay with knowing when to advocate for myself and ask for help and to meet new people. Think about ways that you would like to grow. Even if a school doesn’t seem like a perfect fit for who you are now, would it push you to become someone you want to be?

Money, money, money — Finances are always a factor when considering schools. That’s why you should also consider that there are resources like scholarships, financial aid, and work study to support whatever decision you make. Personally, I found different scholarships and student jobs throughout undergrad and even now. The Chan Division provides some scholarships specific to the division. You can also find other scholarships associated with USC, and even more outside of the university!

It’s not the end — It may seem like you have to make a decision for the next four years of your life, so maybe it will surprise you to hear that whatever you choose, you’re not stuck in your decision. Many schools have transfer processes for both simple changes like switching majors to deciding to go to another university. Even beyond undergrad, you may have even more opportunities in your future choices (like which grad school you want to attend to pursue OT)!

Prioritize — There are many factors playing into your decision, and the ones listed above are only some of them. Maybe you want to stay in-state, or maybe you want to get as far away from home as possible for the next four years. Maybe you’ve had a dream school since you were little, but you’re not sure if it’s the right fit now. Take a deep breath. Figure out which of these factors is the most important for you to prioritize.

There’s a lot to think about, and it is a big decision. Be sure to get input from people you trust. But remember that in the end, this is your choice! And from here, there’s going to be so much to look forward to!


CA Fun — Yosemite Edition ⟩
April 14, 2021, by Liz

Living in LA

Restorative occupations week was exactly one month ago. At the time fieldwork kept my roommates and me super busy. Yes, we did do things that were restorative — however, this weekend we decided to take part in a belated restorative occupations weekend! As you all know USC is located in the best state in the world, California. We are lucky enough to have amazing weather nearly all year round!

For our restorative occupations weekend we decided to take a day trip to Yosemite National Park. California is full of beautiful national parks. So, if you decide USC is the right fit for you — definitely take time to enjoy nature’s beauty!

The drive to Yosemite from LA took us around 5 hours. Of course this included making a pit stop for food and several bathroom breaks. Our first stop was paddle boarding at Bass Lake. This was close to the city of Oakhurst, which is where we were staying for the night. After a fun afternoon in the water, we checked into our Airbnb and went stargazing later that night.

The following day we were back on the road at 7 AM to head to the national park. There was barely any snow left, but the views were breathtaking! We hiked to Mirror Lake and Lower Yosemite falls. By 3 PM we were listening to our girls trip playlist as we drove back to LA.

As the school year comes to an end and everyone in my friend group is worried about the OTD/getting started with work, it was nice to take a break from the stress and enjoy ourselves. Here are some pictures from the trip!

Paddle boarding

Paddle boarding

Liz and Lorelei

Liz and Lorelei

Liz and Stephy

Liz and Stephy

My Summer Occupational Therapy Immersion (SOTI) Program Experience ⟩
April 14, 2021, by Global Initiatives Team


By Samar Lahham, Occupational Therapist in Palestine
SOTI Alumni (2019)

Samar Lahham

Samar Lahham

My experience in USC’s Summer Occupational Therapy Immersion (SOTI) program for one month was indescribable and memorable, both personally and professionally. Participating in this program gave me the opportunity to learn from new experiences by attending lectures and site visits that are related to various areas of occupational therapy. In addition to the common occupational therapy intervention areas in Palestine, I have also experienced new interventions for wider population categories. For example, the role of occupational therapy working with people who have been through homelessness, human trafficking, and perinatal loss. These are new and important interventions I would take back to my country as a qualitative addition for the occupational therapy profession. For me, the most interesting experiences were learning about animal-assisted therapy through The Children’s Ranch Foundation, Ocean Therapy, and innovative practices that help children living with autism, cerebral palsy, visual impairments, and adults living with mental health conditions. This experience opened my eyes to new and interesting aspects within the field which I would complete my Master’s in.

The SOTI program also created opportunities for effective interactions between participants from all over the world, which enhanced sharing knowledge about occupational therapy theoretically and practically in other cultures.

Personally, the SOTI program provided me the chance to face new challenges and experiences for the first time in my life that made me more confident and stronger. It’s the first time I’ve traveled alone for 22 hours, my first experience in surfing and closely interacting with animals as I hugged a horse and carried a chicken or rabbit, and it was also interesting to try new foods from different cultures and visit amazing places in LA. This experience made me more responsible and independent in managing my daily affairs and needs, taking care of myself, enhancing my financial and time management skills, and also improving my leadership and communication skills by being a group facilitator for many presentations. Moreover, my English skills have improved significantly through the program, making new friends and interacting effectively with the American society.

I really would like to recommend SOTI to other occupational therapy students as it is a great chance to improve their skills professionally and personally.

Samar at SOTI

Samar at SOTI. [top left: Ocean Therapy (Redondo Beach), top right: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Center right: The Children’s Ranch Foundation, bottom left: Pediatric Therapy Network, bottom center: Visiting with Dr. Samia Rafeedie, bottom right: Casa Colina Centers Hospital and Centers for Healthcare]


Fighting Feelings of Imposter Syndrome During Fieldwork ⟩
April 9, 2021, by Calvin

Fieldwork What are OS/OT?

Just last week, I completed my first Level II Fieldwork at Prototypes: A Program of HealthRIGHT 360! I was placed with the agency’s Adult Full Service Partnership (FSP) Program and Children’s Program where I was able to provide individualized occupational therapy services to clients across the lifespan who struggle with mental health concerns, needs, and barriers.

This was my first full-time fieldwork placement. I was expected to be there every day from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM, whereas my previous Level I Fieldwork placements did not require me to come as often. Although I had heard amazing things about Prototypes from previous fieldwork students, I knew that things would be different given the pandemic situation, and also just that everyone’s experience is different. I was feeling anxious about taking on telehealth services, potentially meeting clients in-person, documentation, and more. I wasn’t sure how I would fit in with the team or if I was going to represent OT well enough in the mental health field. The imposter syndrome was real. However, after my first few weeks of fieldwork, those feelings of impostorism gradually began to fade away. I was able to build my confidence to thrive in what turned out to be a beyond-stellar fieldwork experience.

My clinical instructor (CI) was the only occupational therapist at my site, but they truly advocated and raised OT awareness within our client and provider population. I am so fortunate to have had their supervision because they helped further my understanding of what occupational therapy’s role in mental health is. I also appreciated how they always challenged me to ask questions and tested my clinical reasoning and critical thinking skills. At first, I was nervous about making mistakes, but I kept reminding myself that it’s okay and that I should take those as opportunities to learn and grow. Additionally, with the rest of the agency team (inclusive of case managers, clinicians, administrative support and program directors), I felt very well supported and empowered to make an impact as an occupational therapy fieldwork student. It wasn’t long after the beginning when I started to more confidently plan clients’ treatments, document my sessions, present cases to my fellow colleagues, and really highlight the unique capacity of occupational therapy within the mental health community.

It was this sense of community and appreciation for OT that made me feel like I belonged, and uplifted me to bring my skills and knowledge of resources to the table. I was able to creatively collaborate with my caseload of clients to address hygiene management, budgeting their finances, accessing resources, accountability with task completion, social participation, engaging in habit change, and building and maintaining routines so that they can independently participate in their daily lives. I realized that this is the beautiful work of occupational therapy in mental health (and of course there’s so much more to it)! These are meaningful occupations that may be difficult for individuals to participate in because of their mental health needs and barriers. As occupational therapists, we have the power to use occupations as a means and as an ends, as well as to support our clients with health promotion and education, holistic interventions, and our therapeutic use of self.

Team Picture

The OT Team with our farewell paintings 😢 Best team ever!!!

Overcoming self-doubt and persevering through my own imposter syndrome enabled me to come out of this fieldwork with a wealth of insight, about OT and about myself. I’m grateful for My Mental Health Immersion Experience for providing me with such a solid foundation that prepared me well for this experience. Also, the interprofessional collaboration that I experienced here was extraordinary, and I am incredibly thankful for all the mental health practitioners that I was able to collaborate with. Finally, thank you to my CI, my new West Coast University OT student friends, and especially my ambassador teammate, Bethany Yew, who was placed there along with me — WE DID IT, BETHANY!!!

I am very much looking forward to transitioning into my next, and final, Level II Fieldwork for the Summer 2021 semester, and I can’t wait to continue translating everything I’ve learned through my experiences! Whether if it’s our first or last, or if it’s Level I or Level II, good luck to all of us going into fieldwork. Let’s continue to support one another and make the most out of our experiences!


Being Black in OT: The Impact On My Future Black Clients ⟩
April 7, 2021, by Lamoni


Two weeks ago, I attended a livestream event by the Summit Performance Indianapolis called “Black Voices in OT.” It consisted of a play that highlighted common experiences of Black occupational therapy students and practitioners. Many of these experiences were negative. It was filled with micro-aggressions, insensitive statements, and harmful actions by peers, professors, and bosses. The structure of the play was interesting because it took place over a zoom call; It was two OT practitioners and one OT student having a casual check-in to release all of their frustrations regarding the racism that they experienced during work and at school. The purpose of the play was to bring attention to the fact that Black OTs have to navigate racism all while trying to balance the demands of being a graduate student, care for clients to their full capacity, maintain relationships with peers and coworkers, and remain in a positive attitude. It requires a lot of energy and it can feel even more depleting when there is not a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen.

As I watched the play and heard the compilation of several upsetting stories which were extracted from actual surveys taken by Black OTs and OT students, I did find relief in the fact that they had each other. Between their sighs and head shakes were also moments of laughter. It reminded me of my own conversations with my family and Black friends. To be amongst people with a shared identity and shared experiences can be very therapeutic. It can be a source of reassurance and confidence. It can be the difference between getting knocked down and staying down or choosing to stand up again.

USC Chan’s incoming class of 2023 is the most racially diverse class yet. I can only hope that an increase in diversity is true for several other occupational therapy programs across the nation because we need it. I believe more representation in the field would decrease the number of negative experiences highlighted in the play. Besides that, I think being Black in OT comes with many positives for Black clients. Currently, and rightfully, the Black community has a lot of mistrust towards the healthcare system. This is due to a long history of medical abuse, neglect, and exploitation. As more Black people enter healthcare professions, trust can be restored. With trust comes more buy in; clients may be more likely to fully participate during sessions and to listen to the OT’s recommendations. This can translate to greater improvements in their condition, fewer hospital re-admissions, etc.

As a Black OT, you will be a practitioner that your Black clients can relate to. Being of the same culture typically means that there will be several shared experiences, maybe similar upbringings, or interests. This is another way to build rapport and establish a strong, trusting relationship. Additionally, you can be a source of emotional healing. We typically think of healing in terms of health conditions, but we have to remember that occupational therapy is holistic and takes into account emotional health. Racial injustices are constantly taking place around us and this undoubtedly takes a toll on Black clients’ wellbeing. If you are working in an inpatient rehab facility and your Black client does not have friends or family around to talk about what they may have recently watched on the news (for example, Black Lives Matter marches), your presence and the assumption that you understand racial trauma can promote healing. Even without speaking, you may be a source of comfort.

I will be graduating next month and while I am simply excited to soon enter the workforce in this amazing profession, I am equally excited to serve my community. I think about the general mistrust towards the healthcare system and how extra doubt may be present towards a field like OT. Many people do not know what occupational therapy is and what occupational therapists do, thus, mistrust may be amplified. Having someone from your background explain the profession, become your practitioner, and lead your interventions is not only beneficial for Black clients but for the occupational therapy profession overall. Yes, we may experience some negative moments, but I am hopeful that the good will outweigh the bad. I am also hopeful that the number of Black OT students and practitioners will rise and, in return, cause the number of unpleasant moments to fall. Continue to push towards diversOT, it benefits us all and can only make our profession better.

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