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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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‘Real’ life as an OT ⟩
October 17, 2012, by Kendra

Fieldwork What are OS/OT?

Last week was our full week of fieldwork, and while difficult and overwhelming at times, I always find these full weeks invigorating and a well-timed reminder of why I’m going into occupational therapy at all. While in school our lives are determined by case studies, readings, and exams. Life between September and December depends on being able to stay afloat, manage the stress load, and make the grade. Essentially, each fall and spring our life is completely consumed with being a student.

What is especially exciting during these full week immersions, is the ability to play the part of worker, wife, mother, housekeeper, cook, and experience what life will be like outside of school!

When I was in theater school my life consisted of auditions and memorizing monologues for comedy or Shakespeare classes, and I thrived. But when I graduated and was released into the wild world of acting I felt unprepared and was disappointed by the stark contrast between school and the big bad real world. For the longest time I shook my fist at the establishment that trained me for helping me become a better artist but never preparing me for the business and self-promotion aspect that is just as important, if not more, to establishing a career as an actor. Basically no one ever told me what daily life would be like.

This is why experiences like last week are so very valuable, not just in gaining clinical experience, but in having the chance each semester to try on the role of pediatric OT, acute inpatient OT, and mental health OT. We can see how well we fit (or don’t fit) into the daily grind of working in each setting. We can learn first hand how work effects our relationships, coping skills and leisure time. We experience what the stress of one setting is like compared to others and build not just skills but a realistic understanding of what the job will be like.

So as I transition back to my role of stressed out student, I feel refreshed and confident knowing that all this hard work is leading me to a fulfilling and inspiring lifetime in occupational therapy.


Getting Back In The Water ⟩
October 15, 2012, by Paula

Getting Involved Life Hacks

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to engage in a neglected occupation of mine at the annual Team KC Swimathon: swimming! Team KC, a Livermore-based organization, was created to honor and remember an inspiring young girl and friend of mine, Korrine Croghan. Korrine was diagnosed with choriocarcinoma in December of 2007 and fought vigorously until she passed away in October of 2008. She had a dream to raise money for other children fighting cancer in order to supply them and their families cope with everything they are dealing with and providing assistance with rent, bills, gas cards, coffee cards, etc. The Swimathon is an annual event which raises money to help meet the immediate needs of these pediatric cancer patients and their families.

I have been pushing away from this activity which used to be a component of each day for many years of my life and I always give the excuse that it is because of time, money and location. Although I know that I have many resources to look into to develop this occupation back to what it once was, I often find multiple excuses as to why I should not make these changes. Overall, regardless of what workout I do, it is not the same as swimming and I only feel completely content with a workout if I have had a challenging swim also. The Swimathon was a perfect reminder of the community which I grew up in and the relationships formed through all of the years of swimming. Once again, Korrine has inspired me to engage further and to reassess my reasoning for not swimming when I have the opportunity. She was always a motivator and I think that she would have made an amazing OT. ;]

If any of you are interested in more information about Team KC or Korrine’s story, you can check out the Facebook page, or go to Korrine’s Blog.

Go out and engage in something you have been meaning to. Live life to its fullest!

(Also, a big THANK YOU to all of you who supported Team KC throughout this process and who remembered Korrine by donating to my swim. It means the world!)

Photo of sunset


Outreach ⟩
October 15, 2012, by Amber

Getting Involved

One of the neat things I get to do as a student ambassador is represent USC’s occupational therapy program at outside conferences and events. This weekend, I went to the University of California in Irvine to participate in an event for pre-health undergraduate students. There were over 400 students in attendance and dozens of exhibitors from different organizations representing medicine, nursing, public health, and many other disciplines. It was fun to be an exhibitor and meet students from another university. Many wanted to know exactly what occupational therapists do, and several were already excited to join the profession. Leave me a comment below if you want to see USC OT at your school!

Amber at the USC table at UC Irvine


OTAC Conference ⟩
October 8, 2012, by Amber

Getting Involved

This weekend I attended the 36th annual conference of the Occupational Therapy Association of California in Pasadena, CA. The theme of the conference was “In Pursuit of the Vision: Evidence and Action,” referring to issues that will affect the profession in light of health care reform, budget reductions, and other legislative issues. I attended the conference sessions and also had the opportunity to work at the USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy booth. The USC booth was buzzing all weekend with alumni and prospective students. It was wonderful to see people reuniting and catching up on each other’s lives. The conference sessions I attended were part of the “student track,” which focused on topics relevant to students such as NBCOT certification. After hours, there were plenty of opportunities for networking and having fun with fellow students and future colleagues. I can’t wait for next year’s conference!

Setting up the USC booth at OTAC


Tips on studying for the GRE ⟩
October 6, 2012, by Alisa

Classes Life Hacks

I just took the test on October 5th and survived it! Boy, that was one long test. Some of you are probably wondering why I’m taking the test when I’m already in the OT program, right? Well, I got admitted as an undergrad at USC, so I started the program as a senior. Therefore, I didn’t have to take GRE, but now, since I’m applying for the Doctorate in Occupational Therapy, I have to submit my GRE scores. Walah! To all the undergrads out there, I would suggest taking it as an undergrad. When you’re in grad school already, you’ll be busier and to motivate myself to study was very tough.

Here are some tips for studying for the GRE:

  1. Get one of the books (I used Kaplan and ETS) and do a self-study.
  2. Attend one of the free GRE Strategy Sessions offered by Princeton Review. They raffled off vocabulary books and mathematics books! Wee! Free swag.
  3. Take a free practice test offered through Princeton Review, Kaplan, etc. and use the results as a guide for studying.
  4. Focus on studying what you’re good and master it.
  5. Find a study buddy (shoutout to my tutor, a fellow OT student who patiently taught me basic mathematics during lunch and after class!).
  6. Familiarize yourself with taking a computerized test. There are a total of 6 sections, one of which doesn’t count toward your score, so you should still try your hardest.
  7. All the prompts for the essays are posted online. It won’t hurt to take a look at them.

On test day:

  1. If you arrive early, you can take the test early, and get out earlier.
  2. Bring a jacket because it might be cold.
  3. You will be given a locker to put your belongings in. You can only bring your ID and the locker key in the testing room.
  4. There will be one 10-minute break after the 3rd section. Use it. I went to the restroom and ate carrots.
  5. There is a 1-minute break after every section. Stretch, stand up, breathe deeply, close your eyes, roll your neck or pray.
  6. Do not panic! If you’ve studied well, you won’t likely be blanking out. If you do, try your best with an educated guess. Remember, there’s no penalty for guessing. Yay!
  7. Remember that this is only one test. It does not define who you are. You can take it again. I believe that there are many factors that make up your application. Do not let the GRE scores deter you from applying. Regardless of the results, you are still a great person.
  8. Your estimated scores for the Verbal and Quantitative sections will pop up at the end of the test. You can google “GRE Concordance Scale” if you’re unsure of how the new score is compared to the old score. For the USC OT Program, it is encouraged that you have at least a combined score of 1000 (old scale).

Good luck! You know more than you think you know. 😉

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