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USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
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“That which you call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” ⟩
October 5, 2012, by Alisa

Community Getting Involved

The week started out pretty interesting as I made my first club presentation! Troy Camp, the oldest and most diverse student organization, puts on many programs for kids in the neighborhoods, including a week-long camp. Before I made my presentation, every member there had to do a roll call. It was interesting to hear everyone’s nick names such as “Maverick,” “Timber,” “Cracker Jack,” and “Chumbawamba.” I was involved in a few organizations when I was an undergrad, but I was never given a nickname. It’s clever that Troy Camp gives every member a nickname. It offers personalization and a sense of belonging in the organization. A few weeks ago when my friends and I celebrated a friend’s birthday at a Thai restaurant, Hae Ha Heng, we decided to give each other pseudonyms. My friends thought I look like a “Rose,” which I didn’t object to. A lot of my clothes have flowers in them, my flip flops have floral embellishments, and I wear flowers in my hair sometimes. It’s quite fitting, isn’t it? I actually have a nickname that was given to me by my mom. In the Thai culture, everyone that I know of has a nickname that is given by the parents. Nicknames can range from names of foods, colors, body parts, etc. My mom gave me the nickname “Joy,” but since no one really called me that, my younger cousin adopted that name, so my identity was stolen. Not really. Thai people just call me “Sa,” shortened from my full name “Alisa,” which can also be a Thai name! My mom is so witty when she named me. While she was shopping for her wedding dress, she came across this amazing dress that was worn by Alisa, a famous Thai actress-model, who had just worn the dress on the runway, featuring wedding gowns. So, readers, how about your names? Have you ever asked how your name came to be? Let’s hear it.


What’s OT? ⟩
October 4, 2012, by Ricky

What are OS/OT?

Let’s face it. Occupational Therapy can be challenging to define. OT does so much for so many people, and it’s tough to describe it all in just a few words. Although it retains some key elements, my definition seems to be influenced almost every time I hear a fresh rendition (and that happens quite often). It’s almost like an unfinished work art . . . well not really; maybe I’m just a perfectionist, hehe. Anyhow, since I do hear some really good ones quite often, I have decided that I will be sharing them with ya’ll, going forward. Here’s the standard, to get us started.

In its simplest terms, occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants help people across the lifespan participate in the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (occupations)aota.org/consumers.aspx

Occupational Therapy is a health care profession aimed at improving performance, preventing illness and disability, and promoting adaptation to life changeschan.usc.edu/about-us/occupational-therapy


OTs go to war ⟩
October 3, 2012, by Kendra

What are OS/OT?

I’ve been thinking about the roots of occupational therapy lately. In my last post I talked about the Mental Hygiene movement and how OTs helped people with mental illness. Another area of practice critical to our development as a field was helping wound warriors and returning vets get back to life after WWII.

In WWII huge advances were made in rehabilitative care, mainly due to the fact that the nation was not prepared to treat all of the wounded veterans and people had to quickly and creatively develop methods to help our soldiers find jobs and assimilate back into their role as husband, son, and brother. OTs were perfectly placed to use occupation to help veterans returning home.

Flash forward to today and one would think OTs would, yet again, be at the forefront of care for our warriors, but in an information session held for prospective OTs, we had a soldier wanting to become an OT who said than in her two tours of Iraq and Afghanistan she met only one occupational therapist. ONLY ONE!

But we are making baby steps. There is a program offered for wounded warriors in LA in which they deal with PTSD in a supportive community environment via ocean therapy. Guess who started it, a USC OT grad.

And we need more OTs getting in there not just when the soldiers return home but when they return from battle. Think of the amazing work OTs could do with soldiers IN Iraq and IN Afghanistan. We could lead groups for people to explore their war experience while performing a calming occupation like playing an instrument or painting a canvas. OTs could be a part of nation building projects and work with local people to build gardens, homes, and schools. One of my favorite things about occupational therapy is that we can work anywhere with every population, we just have to fill the gap with occupation!


Getting To Know Our Fellow Students ⟩
October 2, 2012, by Amber

Community Getting Involved

The Occupational Therapy and Science Council (OTSC) is a student organization that focuses on social interaction and helping USC OT students to achieve the work-life balance that we know is so important. The purpose of OTSC is threefold: 1) to represent student interests within our division and the university as a whole, 2) to provide opportunities to network and socialize, and 3) to create volunteer and fundraising opportunities. At the beginning of the semester we elected a new council. Our first event of the semester was a tailgate in conjunction with the Physical Therapy department. This weekend, we had a bonfire at the beach for the purpose of introducing the new students to the rest of the class. We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over the fire, played games, and got to know each other. Leave me a comment if you have any great bonfire or campfire experiences!

Student group photo


Rancho Los Amigos ⟩
October 1, 2012, by Paula

Classes What are OS/OT?

Last week for our Adult Rehabilitation course, we had the opportunity to visit Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Downey, CA. Rancho first began serving in rehabilitation services in 1888 and has since been a nationally known and respected facility which leads practice in rehabilitation. Lucky for us, Rancho has been affiliated with USC since 1972 and we are able to fully appreciate this relationship as students of the program here. Rancho provides and excels in rehabilitation services with directed focus on the needs of an individual who has experienced a stroke, brain injury or spinal cord injury, as well as services in pediatric, orthopedic, amputee and outpatient rehabilitation. Beyond these rehabilitation programs, Rancho also provides has many innovative patient programs which promote self-esteem and involvement including art programs, performing arts, wheelchair sports, horseback riding, fashion shows, and many more.

One of the main facilities we had a chance to see was The Center for Applied Rehabilitation Technology (CART). CART began in 1989, and utilized advanced technology to provide assistance to individuals with physical disabilities. This program employs a team of physical, speech, occupational, and recreation therapists and engineers to evaluate and provide assistive technology to clients in order to enable them to lead more independent lives. On our tour, we were able to see different assistive technology from augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) used for individuals with speech impairments to the full Model Home which is completely decked out with modifications and assistive technology to display the true potential of Universal Design. The functional yet subtle changes to the environment which can enable an individual in his or her own home to practice more independence were abundant and being surrounded by it all made me realize that the possibilities truly are endless.

To end the afternoon, we visited the Rancho Driver Evaluation and Training Program which provides clients throughout the age-range who wish to return to driving. The program enables clients through simulation exercises, education and preparation for DMV procedures and also consultation pertaining to vehicle modifications. We were lucky enough to hear from Jay Cramer, an actor, a comedian and a part of the Rancho family. Jay sustained a spinal cord injury while bouldering in 2006 and became a patient at Rancho where he later met his wife. Jay showed us the modifications to his van with his service dog, Goliath, while he shared with us his view of life after his injury saying that he has experienced more now than he ever had before. His attitude, his humor and his enthusiasm for life was so refreshing. I encourage you all to read more about his story!

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