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Finally Finals ⟩
December 11, 2012, by Paula

School/Life Balance

Finals week is here and man, can you feel the stress. As students make their way through study guides and coffee canisters, it is important for us all to incorporate a bit of balance in each day and to remain mindful of the reason that we are in school. It always helps me to have an endpoint or something to look forward to.

For the second years, this may be the fact that we will be done with the program this coming May (wow!) or that we have Spring electives to look forward to. For the first years, they have just conquered their first practice immersion (yay!) and are creating bonds with one another which will continue to provide them with support, laughter, and distractions. I know that all of my classmates are eagerly awaiting the four week break that we have from classes which begins at the end of the week.

I have always been a planner, list-maker and extremely talented procrastinator. These characteristics come out full throttle during finals. In order to create some balance for myself, I have focused my energy into study breaks which include exercise, fresh air, packing, and planning for the break. I plan to spend the four weeks recharging for our final semester and catching up on the occupations I neglected through the semester when other tasks took priority. To be sure that I revisit these occupations, I have made some personal goals for myself to tackle over the break: read a book for fun; visit Yosemite; spend a weekend in San Francisco; cook and bake old family recipes; visit the wineries in Livermore; relax with friends and family; see the infamous Christmas lights at Deacon Dave’s (345,200 lights this year!); and go adventuring in Donner with some great friends.

Christmas wishes montage

What goals do you hope to accomplish this holiday season?


Transitioning Occupations ⟩
December 5, 2012, by Kendra

Life Hacks School/Life Balance

Three years ago when I decided to switch gears from being an actor to becoming an occupational therapist, I went through a difficult transition. I constantly berated myself for giving up too soon or not having the chutzpah to make it work. In a way I went through an identity crisis. I had dedicated the majority of my life to acting! I moved thousands of miles away from home, dropped cash on classes, workshops, and headshots galore while working multiple jobs at wild hours just to make ends meet and get to auditions on time. Juggling so many factors just to maybe get a job took away the joy I’d felt performing over the years. Even though I wanted to be an actor more than anything I did not relish in the laborious, seemingly endless, struggle.

So when I decided to change careers I had to let go of a part of me, but I promised myself I would always find my way back to performing. But next time it would be on my terms. I could do it as a hobby, as a side project, for fun not money. Part of me thought that was a bunch of bologna, but part of me hoped I was right.

Having made the transition and been in grad school for nearly two years, I am so glad I made the choice I did. Knowing what I know now about occupations, I also know that I was never ‘giving up’ acting. It will always be a part of me. What I did was shift its definition within my life, moving it from work to play and leisure activities. Doing this allows it to best suit my personal needs, and therefore be a more meaningful, fulfilling occupation as opposed to one causing stress.

I had my first read-thru for a web series this last weekend. It was wonderful. Exciting. Freeing. Invigorating. Never once was I worried how this would affect other auditions, or disappointed it didn’t pay. I was able to indulge in the performance and truly sink my teeth into the experience. By redefining a meaningful occupation, I was able to find the just right fit for the rest of my life.


Turkey traditions ⟩
November 28, 2012, by Kendra

Community School/Life Balance

So I know I’ve talked this semester occupations that connect us to our past like laundry and care giving. While the holiday season is the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ and the ‘season of giving.’ It’s also the season of stress, travel, finals, and so many cookies it makes my head spin.

Colorful macarons

What makes this time of year manageable are the traditions and chance to connect with family. This Thanksgiving I was thankful for my family’s long line of traditions and recipes that bind us together. Each Thanksgiving we cook old recipes, swap gifts, trim trees, and sing random songs I don’t think anyone outside my gene pool would know. Possibly the most important family recipe is my great-grandmother’s ‘Mimi’s buns,’ the world’s fluffiest potato biscuit ever. Ever. Now that I’m married I have to split the holidays, and its now more than ever that I am thankful for these traditions. Even though I am far away from my family, I can knead the dough, smell the rolls baking, and be transported back to my family and all the years we have performed this task. This also allows me to create traditions with my new family. As they bite into a bun, they are connecting to my great-grandparents and becoming a part of an old, and new, tradition. To me this all goes back to social support. It doesn’t have to be the physically present kind, its in the way the air smells as the buns bake and saying my grandfather’s blessing as we sit at the table that connects me to my social support no matter the distance.

Who’d a thought buns would make the holidays better?

Family Thanksgiving dinner

So as we take part in black Fridays and cyber Mondays, pack our suitcases and ship presents think back to how it used to be. Does your family have traditions or recipes you can share with your framily (friend family) or in-laws? For thousands of years culture was passed down by tradition and storytelling. Even though we have the internet and can easily look up Ina Garten’s best recipe, what about your grandmother or great-grandmother’s recipe? The holidays are many things, but what they are across all faiths is a time to appreciate and love family. So as you sit down to feast after feast this year, think back and be thankful for the people who first found that pecan pie recipe, sewed the tablecloth, and wrote the blessing. Let your heritage connect you to now and shape your future.


A Weekend Away ⟩
November 27, 2012, by Paula

School/Life Balance What are OS/OT?

Last weekend, I was able to take a break from the normal school and work schedule and go to one of my favorite places: San Luis Obispo. The weekend was so refreshing being able to engage in some of my most valued occupations and spend time with family and friends. I went to my favorite coffee shop and worked on letters for family and friends (this is a lost art, I encourage you each to try writing letters again — they are so much more personal than emails and texts 😉), was able to share special dinners with close friends, hiked some of the most beautiful coastal lines I have seen and was able to just relax in the presence of loved ones.

While I was there, I was also able to spend time with the family who first introduced me to Occupational Therapy. When I was in college, I took a part time job taking care of a little boy who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). SMA is a neuromuscular disease which specifically involves the individual’s motor neuron function and results in muscle weakness and atrophy. Seeing the effect that occupational therapy services had on the little guy’s physical health and overall self efficacy was incredible to me and so I started volunteering at the outpatient clinic where he had his appointments. This family has become family to me and I am inspired by the experiences and frustrations I have shared with them in the struggles to receive necessary services and equipment. The thing is, this is a family full of innovative OTs. They are constantly modifying the environment to be more comfortable, accessible and supportive of their son’s success in the world. Despite the frustrations, they continue to keep a positive attitude and use the opportunities they have to educate care providers and other families of the approaches that work for them in caring for their child and allowing him to be a kid, regardless of the label of disability which is often placed on him. Currently, this little guy’s goals are to convince Santa to bring him a dog and a Wii U gaming system for Christmas.  😊 Read more about SMA.


No phone for 24 hours? No problem ⟩
October 25, 2012, by Alisa

Life Hacks School/Life Balance

So, I went to my parents’ house for the weekend, and when I was on the freeway coming back to school, I realized I had forgotten my phone at home! I had to make a decision between driving back, which would take about 15 minutes or just go to class. I chose the latter. I knew I could live without a phone. I felt that I got a lot more free time because when I had my smart phone with me, I tend to check it quite often. It’s become a habit, but I do try to refrain from it. Those emails and notifications can wait. Go live your life now. Connect with the people around you. We are humans. We crave social interactions, or at least I do.

The positive side to leaving my phone at home was the fact that I would get to visit home again soon. I didn’t know that it was going to be the very next day! I went back the next day after fieldwork, and it was my dad’s birthday, too! So, we found an excuse to all go out and have dinner together. With the exception of my sister, no one else in my family had been to The Boiling Crab before. We had sweet potato fries, sausage, corn, shrimp, crawfish, and king crab. If you haven’t been to a restaurant like The Boiling Crab, it will get messy! You will be given a bib. It is a totally hands-on experience. You have to do everything yourself from taking off the peel to squeezing the lemon. I was stuffed, but, it was so good. A little on the salty side, but hey, you can for less salt on your orders. I got creative when I ate shrimp with a ball of rice. It reminded me of spam musubi. We’re not done yet. Afterwards, we went to BJ’s just to have pizooki (cookie with ice cream). It reminded me of my childhood since my dad used to get it for us when he got off work as a sheriff. The combination of cookie and ice cream is my guilty pleasure, indeed. The phone that I forgot at home was what brought me back home, and we all happen to be able to celebrate on his special day. Good times.

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