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Welcome to 2012 ⟩
January 11, 2012, by Alix

Classes School/Life Balance

Happy New Year! This week marks the beginning of a new semester — the home stretch of the Master’s program for myself and my fellow ambassadors. Winter break was (as always) much too short, but it does feel good to be getting back into the swing of things. I’m taking five classes this spring: two core courses focused on quantitative and qualitative research, a course about Lifestyle Redesign, an elective focused on OT’s role in the primary care setting (kind of like a mini-fieldwork), and a course about motivational interviewing and therapeutic communication.

I’m definitely looking forward to the Lifestyle Redesign course, especially because I’ve decided to stay here at USC for my clinical doctorate, and I’ll be focusing on Lifestyle Redesign. (Yay OTD!) Some other things I’m looking forward to in 2012: Learning how to surf, finding a good gluten-free bread recipe, exploring California even more (Joshua Tree and Yosemite are two goal destinations), and, of course, getting married. I have high hopes for a busy but very fulfilling year. :coolsmile:


Happy Holidays ⟩
December 22, 2011, by Kimberly

Life Hacks

We hope you’ve enjoyed all the blogging this semester. The Ambassadors will be signing off until January 9th so we can enjoy a break from school and work. Hope you are finding time to relax as well. Just in case you need a few hints, here are some of our favorite OT strategies to relax and unwind. Whether the holidays allow you to do that or bring more stress on, these should help. So enjoy and we will be back in the New Year!!!

Reduce Your Stress
Breathe (simple, yet essential)
Be thankful
Work out
See an old friend
Write in a journal
Play with a pet
Use this
Get creative in how you do something
Have fun and laugh
Drink green or chamomile tea (it calms you down and is good for you)


International Holiday ⟩
December 13, 2011, by Kimberly

Community Diversity International

Last week we had an international student dinner to celebrate the end of the semester. Everyone brought a traditional dish from their culture or from their family. All the food was amazing and each dish was even judged for prizes according to taste and presentation. My favorite part of the evening however was sitting down at the long table in the OT Lifestyle redesign Center and talking about all of our different holiday traditions. There was a large Christmas tree at the end of the room which spurred on discussions of Christmas and where the tree comes from, how to decorate it, what the significance of the star is, etc. We also heard about the Chinese Moon Festival and the history behind eating moon cakes. We heard a YouTube recording of an Indian song sung in all the different dialects and languages the nation speaks. How being married in some cultures means you are an adult and thus need to now provide presents for all the kids as opposed to receiving them. There were discussions of what family traditions surround this time of year for everyone and whether or not people were getting to go home. It was a nice celebration in the middle of study week and gave us a chance to pause. I think the fact that we all take time during this season to pause it one of my favorite parts. So, even if you are still working or taking that last final, remember to pause and reflect on your traditions, your celebrations, the people around you and all that has happened this past year.


Winter Break! ⟩
December 12, 2011, by Alix

School/Life Balance

I’m almost done with the Fall 2011 semester — one more final left tomorrow, and then I’ll have three weeks of break. I’m looking forward to seeing a lot of movies, skiing, and possibly knitting a few scarves. And I’m glad that I won’t be braving the airports at all this holiday season, which is a nice change for me. Next semester is going to be a busy one: I’ll be taking four classes, teaching yoga, and working, along with all the usual craziness of wedding-planning and trying to fit in some fun. I’m especially looking forward to one of my courses, “Therapeutic Communication for the Healthcare Practitioner,” taught by one of my favorite professors, Dr. Linda Fazio. She’s going to teach us about how to use motivational interviewing, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mindfulness in our occupational therapy practice. I’ve always been interested in the psychosocial elements of therapy, so it should be a particularly useful class for me. But first: relaxation. Happy holidays to all. :coolsmile:


Ode to Thanksgiving ⟩
November 28, 2011, by Chelsea

School/Life Balance

I am thankful for . . .

O pportunity to be at USC
C aring family
C razy friends
U ndergraduate memories at USC
P assionate teachers
A rt walks in downtown
T raveling to the snow
I nteresting classes
O utdoor ice skating rinks
N ot having school for a month after the semester ends
A mazing books
L os Angeles

T hanksgiving dinner
H ome in San Diego
E very sunset
R uns on the beach
A ctive lifestyle
P laying tennis
Y oga

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