Student Blog
School/Life Balance
Ode to Thanksgiving ⟩
November 28, 2011, by Chelsea
School/Life Balance
I am thankful for . . .
O pportunity to be at USC
C aring family
C razy friends
U ndergraduate memories at USC
P assionate teachers
A rt walks in downtown
T raveling to the snow
I nteresting classes
O utdoor ice skating rinks
N ot having school for a month after the semester ends
A mazing books
L os Angeles
T hanksgiving dinner
H ome in San Diego
E very sunset
R uns on the beach
A ctive lifestyle
P laying tennis
Y oga
OTs in intramurals ⟩
November 17, 2011, by Chris
School/Life Balance
Last week we played our final intramural flag football game of the season, and a dramatic one at that. The game went into overtime with none other than Kim Perring snagging the game winning touchdown in the back corner of the endzone. Our team finished 2-3, not bad for having to forfeit one game and play a man down for another game. Up next is intramural basketball starting in the spring. While we may be an average football team, we truly dominate in basketball. Last year, the team finished 5-1, with the one loss coming on a forfeit due to fieldwork and springbreak.
Next week I’ll be traveling back to the east coast to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family. I’m pretty excited, but when I return schoolwork will be coming at me full-bore, I just need to stay on top of things and I’ll be fine.
Good food and conversation ⟩
November 8, 2011, by Floyd
Community School/Life Balance
Seriously, I think my class hosts a potluck almost every week! Whether it’s for a USC football game, someone’s birthday, or just a Saturday, we are always grubbing on delicious home-made foods and having tons of laughter. Just thinking about this past weekend and the food that everyone brought to the potluck makes me so hungry. Not only was the food great, but it was wonderful to be able to meet my peers outside of school to catch up on our personal lives. I feel that my class really values each other and sincerely wants to know about how each other are doing.
For this potluck, we created it for a faculty dinner where we invite a faculty member from our program to talk outside of school. We had Dr. Samia Rafeedie, one of our esteemed professors and practicing OTs come this week. It was nice to chit-chat about her life and about her pregnancy . . . she is 8 months pregnant. We got her a children’s book and signed it with our love and luck. All I all, we had good times and great conversations that we will always remember.
Halloween Weekend ⟩
November 2, 2011, by Chris
Living in LA School/Life Balance
Halloween weekend was quite eventful. It started off with me catching a 9:30am flight to San Francisco for a fair at USF. Immediately after the fair I made my way to the airport to catch the first half of the USC v. Stanford game. I barely made it through security in time to catch the opening kickoff. I was able to watch most of the first half before having to board my plane back to Los Angeles. My plane landed in time for me to listen to the end of regulation and I made it home to watch the three overtimes that followed. After the game, my roommate and I decided to get our costumes ready for the greatest Halloween party ever. We actually planned a costume change during the party. We showed up to the party as Forrest Gump and Chinese take-out, but changed to Things 1&2 during the party. Now, it’s back to the reality of class and work.
Spartan Race and OT school? ⟩
October 5, 2011, by Chris
Living in LA School/Life Balance
I’ve decided that I’m going to register to compete in the Spartan Race in Malibu next month. For those of you who don’t know, the Spartan Race is a 3 mile obstacle course involving mud running, rope climbing, balance beams, etc. I’ve started to kick up my training recently and it will be interesting to see if I can maintain my work-life balance. The USC OT flag football team will start its season on friday. Hopefully we don’t get stuck in an all male league again.