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Working in OT School ⟩
February 14, 2017, by Jessica

School/Life Balance

Many students also ask if it is possible to work while in the program. It is definitely doable, but the amount of hours depends on your personal capacity to manage school and work. Keep in mind that the Entry-Level Master’s program is a full-time commitment, so realistically you could only work part-time. In a typical week, you have three full days of class from about 9:00am to 4:00pm, one day of fieldwork, and one day off (usually Fridays!). I have personally worked 10-15 hours per week throughout the program, which has been a good balance for me. I wanted to work part-time in order to have enough spending money for myself, and not necessarily rely on loans for all of my personal needs. My job is on-campus, so it is very convenient for my schedule, as they are very flexible and recognize that school obligations come first. As I mentioned in my previous post, there are opportunities to become a student worker for the division in various capacities!


The End of the Fall Semester ⟩
December 12, 2016, by Raisa

Classes School/Life Balance

I cannot believe it is the end of the fall semester. It feels just like yesterday that I flew in from the Philippines to pursue my masters degree. The last 5 months feel like a surreal blur, but nonetheless, I am happy and ecstatic to be moving forward in the spring! This semester has been nothing short of amazing. I will not lie, it was difficult but it was definitely worth it. 

Through the efforts of our supportive faculty, the program was both challenging and rewarding. The program certainly does live up to its name and I am excited to see what the spring semester has in store for me.

Let me leave you with some pictures of the MA-1 class and our professors on our final classes. With the holidays fast approaching I hope that everyone gets their well-needed rest, enjoy the time you have with friends and family. See you in the spring!

The MA1 class in their last class for Quantitative Research

Our last class for OT518: Quantitative Research with professor Shawn Phipps PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA

MA1 in their final Cognitive Neuroscience Class

Our semester ending class on OT515: Neuroscience of Behavior with professor Sook-Lei Liew PhD, OTR/L

Final Class for Adult and Aging for the MA1

Our final class for OT538 Current Issues in Practice: Adulthood and Aging with Stacey Schepens Niemiec PhD, OTR/L

Final class for Health Promotion and Wellness

Final class for OT 534: Health Promotion and Wellness with Camille Dieterle OTD, OTR/L

Happy Holidays everyone!

Fight on!


Cohort Love ⟩
December 6, 2016, by Jessica

Admissions Community School/Life Balance

Prospective students are often nervous about the fact that USC’s program is relatively larger than other OT programs. Each class has about 120-130 students, so students might be worried about getting “lost in the shuffle.” However the great thing about the program is that students are divided into three cohorts, with about 40-45 students in each one. Your cohort is the group of people you’ll be taking most of your classes with, so class sizes remain more intimate. For lab sections, your cohort is divided in half, so there will only be 20-25 students in each lab, so you can get more hands on experience.

You’ll become pretty close with your cohort, since you take most of your classes with one another. Some cohorts will plan outings together and share resources with one another. Some of the fun things we’ve done as a cohort: go out to dinner, happy hour, hiking, attend a Dodgers game, and celebrate the holidays with a white elephant party!

This past week was our last class together as a cohort. For our last semester, we will all be taking elective courses of our choosing, so everyone will be split up into different classes. In rememberance of my awesome cohort, here are some photos of Cohort A!

Photo of Cohort A — 2015-2016

Our first year together

Photo of Cohort A 2nd year

Our last class together


Tips to Survive Finals ⟩
December 2, 2016, by Kimmy

Life Hacks School/Life Balance

With finals week quickly approaching, stress levels have been running a little higher than usual. But as OTs, we have a few tricks up our sleeves to stay relaxed. Here’s a list of some of my stress-free strategies:

  • Make a schedule. Fit in time for your work and play and rest and sleep.
  • Study with friends. As long as you stay focused most of the time, collaborating with classmates is a great way to review for finals. Explaining the material to someone else will help you remember it more than simply reading the facts by yourself. A few momentary distractions make the process more fun anyway. 😊
  • Don’t forget about exercise! Taking a study break to fit in a workout video or a quick jog can. You can even stay in shape without leaving your desk.
  • Light a scented candle to create the perfect study environment. Or splurge for some essential oils for the ultimate aromatherapy experience.
  • Treat yourself with a hot cup of tea (or coffee, if you need that caffeine fix). It will get you excited about the cozy relaxation awaiting you over winter break.
  • Change up your study spot. Escape the walls of your room and try out a hidden café or tranquil library.
  • Call home. Sometimes, I just need to talk to Mom or Dad. Talk to that person who helps you stay calm, gives you a reason to laugh, and boosts your confidence no matter what chaos you may be facing.

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays!


Giving Thanks ⟩
November 21, 2016, by Kimmy

Community School/Life Balance

I love this time of year because it reminds people to reflect on everything to be thankful for, no matter how small a source of happiness may seem. Being part of a profession as rewarding as occupational therapy continuously inspires me to consider celebrating all of life’s joys. This year, USC has given me plenty of reasons to be thankful, including:

Graduation — I earned dual undergraduate degrees in occupational therapy and psychology. USC allowed me to double major, as well as pursue a minor, in my preferred areas of study.

Banner bearer at graduation

Grad School — The Bachelor’s to Master’s program allowed me to transition seamlessly into graduate school during my undergraduate senior year, saving me time and tuition while pursuing my career.

Festival of Books — I always look forward to this weekend in April when my favorite college campus is taken over by my favorite occupation. In addition to basking in the endless supply of literary love, I was star struck when I walked right by astronaut Buzz Aldrin this past year!

OT students host booth at Festival of Books

OT students host a booth at the Festival of Books!

Olympics — Watching the Olympics becomes even more exciting when the Trojan Family is represented — and the Trojans sure represented by bringing home 21 medals.

Football — The Trojan men have been fighting on to win seven consecutive games!

Ambassadors at the tailgate

Ambassadors take on gameday!

HSC — I moved to the Health Sciences Campus, making my commute extremely convenient and broadening my exposure to a new LA neighborhood.

Ambassadors — Serving as an ambassador has quickly proven to be a truly meaningful and enjoyable occupation. From helping others learn about OT to growing closer with my co-workers, I have loved every moment.

The 2016-2017 ambassador team

This crew makes work feel like play!

OTD — I will be pursuing the Doctorate of Occupational Therapy next year, which gives me advanced clinical education to become the best therapist I can be and an excuse to stay at USC for one more year!

I hope you also take the time to consider everything that has made you smile this year. Happy holidays, everyone!

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