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Touring with Homeboys ⟩
April 27, 2016, by Joe

Community Getting Involved

This morning I had the pleasure of leading a campus tour for clients from Homeboy Industries.

Homeboy Tour

Homeboy Tour

Homeboy Industries is an incredible organization whose mission is “to help formerly gang involved and the previously incarcerated, by offering hope, training and job skills. Our goal: To help former gang members redirect their lives and become contributing members of their families and our community.” They offer a variety of services & programs for education, employment, legal services, as well as mental health services. They also have several social enterprises where they employ and provide job training to former gang members and previously incarcerated people.

The group I led today was from their Pathways to College program, which provides support and education in pursuit of college degree programs. The students had a variety of interests and had never heard of Occupational Therapy, so it was a great opportunity to share with them this potential profession. They were also interested to hear about the clients I’ve worked with who had been involved in gangs and had previously been incarcerated.

Homeboys Posing in front of Tommy Trojan

Homeboys in front of Tommy Trojan

We had such a great time, that they offered to swap roles and give me a tour of their facilities soon!


#AOTA16 — Trojans take on Chicago ⟩
April 15, 2016, by Joe

Community Getting Involved

It’s my favorite time of year!

Last week was the AOTA National Conference in Chicago, IL. This conference is the largest gathering of OT practitioners, researchers, and students in the world, with an estimated attendance of over 10,000 people!

AOTA Conference 2016

USC Chan is world known for our contributions to research & practice through global leadership and innovation. It’s so exciting to meet Trojan alums who are blazing new trails in OT practice and leading the profession in local, state and national organizations. There were over 100 Trojans speaking at conference, myself included, and several alums receiving prestigious awards such as the AOTA Roster of Fellows Award, and the AOTA-AOTF Presidents’ Award.

As the Chair for AOTA’s Assembly of Student Delegates, I preside over an annual meeting with students from OT & OTA programs across the country.

Assembly of Student Delegates

Aren’t we a fun looking bunch? The Assembly brings the student perspective to AOTA at large, and also acts to bring AOTA initiatives & opportunities to students around the country. There are 3 Trojans on the Assembly Steering Commitee: Myself as the Chair, Ellen Wleklinski MA ’15 and current OTD student as the OT Vice Chair, and Lizzie Peters MA ’16 as the Secretary. We also have 2 USC Student representatives in the photo: Kelsey Peterson, current first-year, and Ann Borreson, current second-year.

AOTA Presidential Address

AOTA President, Ginny Stoffel, addresses over 10,000 attendees.

Heather Thomas, USC Alum

Lizzie and I with Heather Thomas, USC Alum MA ’98, and California representative to AOTA’s Representative Assembly (basically AOTA’s “congress”).

Keynote Speakers

Keynote speakers: Jessica Kensky & Patrick Downs shared their experience with Occupational Therapy after surviving the Boston Marathon Bombing in 2013. #BostonStrong

New Practitioner Panel

New practitioners share stories of their transition from student to full-time practitioners. Ellen Wleklinski (middle of panel) shares her experience as an OTD Resident at USC Keck Medical Center.

Slagle Lecturers

Line up of previous awardees of the Eleanor Clark Slagle Lecture, one of OT’s highest awards given to those who have “creatively contributed to the development of the body of knowledge of the profession through research, education, and/or clinical practice.” USC Chan’s Associate Dean, Florence Clark is the 4th person from the left; other USC winners include: A. Jean Ayres, Ruth Zemke, Wilma West, Mary Reilly, and Elizabeth Yerxa, among others.

Susan Lingelbach

Me and Susan Lingelbach, USC MA ’13, AOTA Emerging Leader, and the former chair for the Assembly. We’re keeping this USC leadership legacy going strong!

AOTA Conga Line

Dancing off until next year’s Conference!


So close to the finish line! ⟩
April 13, 2016, by Jodie

Community Getting Involved

This month has been filled with many deadlines and celebrations. First and foremost, April is OT Month so we celebrated as a division with our OT Month Kickoff event held at our Health Science Campus. This was a super fun event where we passed out FREE pizza and OT buttons and faculty and students had the chance to socialize and celebrate occupational therapy during lunch!

New student ambassadors during OT month!

New student ambassadors during OT month!

This past weekend was also AOTA’s national conference in Chicago, which I had the amazing opportunity to attend. I went to numerous short courses and poster presentations and was so inspired by what occupational therapists are doing around the country! I think my favorite thing about attending conferences is being surrounded by people who are equally as passionate about occupational therapy as I am. I felt so inspired by all the presentations and conversations that I had with fellow conference attendees. I am already looking forward to next year’s national conference in Philly!

USC OT booth at AOTA conference

USC OT booth at AOTA conference

To top it all off, April happens to be the birth month of my two childhood best friends AND my dad! That being said, I have been very busy planning celebrations for each of them and balancing my time between schoolwork, extracurricular work, family/friend time and “me time”.

Cohort C!

Cohort C!

I am doing my best to balance my time and to cherish every second of every day in the program. This program really does fly by in the blink of an eye. We are so close to the finish line and I am so excited to see what the future has in store for my classmates and I!!


Faculty Mixers! ⟩
December 1, 2015, by Rashelle

Community Getting Involved School/Life Balance

This year for the annual faculty/student mixer series, students were invited to partake in fun events organized by our student council professional development chairs. I was fortunate enough to be available to attend all three of them this year!

Bowling with Faculty

Bowling with Faculty

At the first mixer I got the opportunity to show off my (un)impressive bowling skills with Dr. Myka Persson, a previous professor, Carey Sokol, my past fieldwork coordinator, and Amber Bennett, who coordinated the Career Fair, which I attended the day after. It was awesome to see faculty members in such a fun, informal environment, which really allowed me to get to know them apart from the structured school work and meetings. 

Urth Caffe with Faculty

Urth Caffe with Faculty

The second faculty/student mixer was held at Urth caffe with Dr. Karrie Kingsley, one of my favorite professors, along with Dr. Tracy Jalaba and Dr. Lindsey Reeves, who recently completed their doctorate degrees at USC’s distinguished Faculty Practice. It was an honor to sit next to them over dinner, and to hear about their captivating journies of how they got to where they are today.

Barbara's Brewery with Faculty

Barbara’s Brewery with Faculty

Lastly, after my final day of fieldwork at the Keck Hospital of USC, I got to celebrate it with, coincidentally, my fieldwork supervisors! Dr. John Margetis and Dr. Kim Lenington are two of USC’s finest clinical faculty, who taught me the ins and outs of how to intensely care for patients in an intensive care unit. If that was too cheesey, it must be from where my mind has drifted after all of those nachos we ate!

These intimate gatherings truly made me feel welcomed into the Trojan Family. Not only will I feel less intimidated when approaching these faculty members in the future, but also I was able to connect with first year students, who may have been intimidated by me! Every day, with every new person I meet, I see how large this network of Trojans is, and how supportive and encouraging they can be as we go through this journey together.


OT Thanksgiving Potluck ⟩
November 23, 2015, by Jodie


This year our OTSC Social Chairs, Jen and Benz, coordinated the first annual OT Thanksgiving Potluck at school. Both faculty and students brought entrées, sides and desserts to enjoy with each other. As the holiday season is soon approaching, it is important for all of us to give thanks to each other and this potluck was a wonderful opportunity to do so. Here are some pictures from the event!

Jen Chen, our OTSC second year social Chair

Our OTSC second year social chair, Jen, happy to see everyone enjoying the event!


Doesn’t the food look delicious?

More food!

Thank you again to our amazing social chairs for putting on such an enjoyable (and filling) event!  😊

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