Student Blog
What are OS/OT?
A Day with Celebrities ⟩
November 21, 2013, by Clarissa
Getting Involved What are OS/OT?
Life at the USC OS/OT Division has been really eventful and exciting. So many things happening to update you on! It was hard but I am picking the 24th annual Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Symposium at USC occurred a couple of week ago to hone in on today. This year, the symposium focused on research on Sensory Integration (SI), which is a specialty practice area of occupational therapy. SI theory is the manner in which one’s neurological system organizes sensation from the environment for participation in occupations. Dr. Jane Ayres, who was actually a faculty member at USC, developed SI theory!
I’m currently learning about SI in my pediatrics immersion and see it practiced in my fieldwork — it was really great listening to what the big names in SI and pediatrics had to say about it based on their research. Presenters included Drs. Jane Case-Smith, who wrote our pediatrics textbook, Lucy Miller, who created an assessment tool (Miller Function and Participation Scales) that we learned about in class, my neuroscience professor Barbara Thompson, and the chair of our division, Florence Clark. It was so cool seeing and learning from the people whose tools we use in school and practice! It really hit home just how renowned the presenters, which included USC faculty, are and how lucky I am to attend such an amazing school where opportunities like these to learn are readily available. Practitioners in the audience were snapping pictures of the panelists — they are celebrities!
Here is my very own paparazzi shot of the presenters and also a photo of me and my fellow student ambassador Kate! I’d take breaks from my part-time job title of “paparazzo” (yes, I had to Google the singular form of paparazzi) to visit her.
Class Project ⟩
November 18, 2013, by Ryan
Classes What are OS/OT?
I recently had to interview an older adult (65+) and write a paper about their changes in roles, responsibilities, and occupations. I interviewed Walter (fake name for privacy purposes) who is actually my dad. In order for me to fit in this interview, I chose to interview my father and I know very little people over 65 years old. My grandparents have all passed away; I have a great-aunt and 2 friends but could not coordinate schedules . . . so it ended up being my 66 ¾ year old dad. And I am so glad it worked out this way. I did not grow up with my father and have built a relationship with him as an adult so I enjoyed sharing this time with him. I also don’t get to see him that often and I learned a lot about his past.
I don’t think he really understood that I was interested in his activities/occupations but he shared a lot about his views and interests throughout his life. He was very politically involved and had interest in the Black Panthers which was very surprising to me. I have rarely seen my dad mad, or even mean to a single person. He is the sweetest, fun loving guy and I could not see him relating to violence. He explained that he grew up in Los Angeles in the 1960s and ‘70s, around gangs and violence so that was all he knew. He even expressed that he never thought he would have lived as long as he has. As we continued to talk about the activities he has transitioned to now I noticed a shift in the way he looks at his life. When my dad was young he was a bit more selfish in his thinking about did not think of the future. Now his main activity is working to support his family and prepare himself for retirement in the next year. Also within the last couple years, he has changed to eat healthier food and has expressed wanting to be more involved with his family, especially his grandkids.
I think my dad has become wiser in his older age and he agrees. He no longer feels he is self-destructive; he just wants to make people laugh and help his family. This interview was such a great gift. I really enjoyed seeing another side of my dad and I think I will try to do a few more recorded interviews for myself to keep. I appreciate his positive attitude about aging and I hope to help others see the value in finding meaning throughout your life if I work with older adults. I also will take this information with me as I get older and hope to age as gracefully as my dad.
Happy Veteran’s Day! ⟩
November 12, 2013, by Ryan
Getting Involved What are OS/OT?
I was able to help out as a Student Ambassador at the Veteran’s Appreciation Reception dinner last night. I helped set up and took photographs to document this great event. I wanted to attend this event because my grandfather and father served in the army, my grandmother was a women’s marine, and my uncle was in the navy. I have a connection to people who have served and think it is a great idea to show our appreciation. Also, being in the master’s program I have learned about the many ways we can support this population through occupational therapy. And what an awesome way to spend Veteran’s Day!
The reception dinner was held at the Town and Gown building on the University Park Campus, a beautiful dining hall with amazing chandeliers in an old brick building. As I walked around taking pictures I would talk to individuals who have served or are connected to the population in some way. There was a woman I met who is in the social work program and wants to work with veterans when she graduates. Her brothers, father, and uncles have all served in the army so this population is close to her heart and you can tell by talking with her. She expressed such passion for veterans and talked about going to meetings for veterans to start building connections before graduating. She actually gave me her contact information once she found out I was in the OT program so if the opportunity presented itself, we could collaborate in some way to help out this population.
I also met a man that had a service dog. He explained that once he returned from service, he had so much anger and would seek out violence. He would go out to bars wanting to pick fights and started carrying a gun illegally. He was going to therapy and making progress, but couldn’t shake the desire to be violent. He became connected to Pets for Vets and expressed that he need help or was going to buy another gun. They provided him with a stray dog and it changed his life. The process of caring for an animal, having someone that counted on him, someone to come home to, he lost the desire for violence. Isn’t that amazing!
This event was great and opened my eyes to the many young veterans coming home and needing support. I am so glad that OT is so broad and able to help this population. For those out there interested in OT and veterans, know that there is so much we can do. OTs look at the whole person and that is exactly what vets need, from psychosocial to biomechanical. Yay, OT!
I love being active, why don’t I do it more!?!?! ⟩
October 28, 2013, by Ryan
Life Hacks What are OS/OT?
So, I hurt my neck a couple weeks ago. One weekend I dove into a swimming pool, like a fancy diver, and came out of the water with sharp pains shooting down my neck. By the end of the day, I could barely turn my head side to side. I slept flat on my back, waking up every hour in pain if I turned my head while I was sleeping. So, of course, I took advantage of my student health insurance and went to the doctor who gave me a diagnosis of a cervical muscle spasm and prescribed muscle relaxers and physical therapy visits. Well, I tried to make an appointment for PT but couldn’t get in for two weeks!
I had to do something in the meantime, so I put on my occupational therapy hat and thought, ‘What would be best for my body right now?’ Why did I get a muscle spasm in the first place? Is it because I have hunched my shoulders for years whenever I’m stressed? Yes, this definitely could be a contributing factor. Huh, what about exercise?! I am not as active as I used to be. I get so caught up in school and staying on top of my coursework that I quickly take out physical activity. I should know better. Just last year, I was working out three times a week at the gym on campus in the mornings before class, and would share with all of my classmates how much better I felt throughout the day (which includes a lot of sitting in lecture) because of this routine. Also, we have had lectures relating to occupational balance and lifestyle balance, the importance of having a balance between work and play, activities of leisure and activities of importance.
This experience with my neck has reminded me of this importance. I quickly went to the gym the Monday after my neck starting hurting (and after I received my muscle relaxers), and as soon as I did the elliptical (just for 30 minutes, don’t want to go crazy) with some stretching afterwards I felt so much better. And have been continually feeling better! I love working out and being active! I feel so much happier, healthier, and ready to face all the stress that continues to be in my life . . . because I’m in grad school folks! Thank you, occupational therapy, for giving me the tools to look at my life in a better and healthier way!
Choices, Choices! Aka, “What Electives Should I Take?” ⟩
October 28, 2013, by Kate
Classes What are OS/OT?
During the second semester of our second year in the entry-level master’s program, we are given the chance to take elective courses that spark our interest in the field of occupational therapy. The Division offers a variety of elective courses that provide students with a look into a particular niche. Examples of elective courses that the Division is offering for Spring 2014 include: Occupational Therapy in Acute Care, Sensory Integration Theory, Early Intervention, Universal Design, Hand Rehabilitation, Dysphagia, Lifestyle Redesign® and Motor Control. There are a lot of choices and, to some, it might be overwhelming to decide what to take versus what not to take. If only I could take all of the classes!
I’ve decided to enroll in some of the classes I feel most connected to, including Lifestyle Redesign® and Occupational Therapy in Acute Care. I have applied for the Occupational Therapy Doctorate program at USC and am very interested in pursuing Lifestyle Redesign® a bit further in order to assist my future clients with changing their habits and routines and positively impacting their own well-being. Furthermore, I am interested in marrying that area of practice with the adult rehabilitation or primary care setting. I feel that by taking these two courses, I can best prepare myself for my doctorate and for my practice.
I’m really excited to dive deeper into occupational therapy and the specific courses that I am interested in. Whenever I think about it, it amazes me how much closer I am to graduating! I can’t believe how fast the time has gone by throughout this program. Soon enough it will be a new group of students coming through these doors — maybe even YOU!!! I think the best that I can do is leave a positive legacy for the future USC occupational therapy students!